chapter sixty-nine

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Maggie's Pov,

The show was good, it always was. My friends never sounded bad during a gig. I sat side stage, admiring my girlfriend doing what she does best. She was going particularly hard that night, spinning and head-banging around during 'Satanist.' I chuckled seeing her go crazy, I made a mental note to detangle her hair after the show.

She made me almost lose my shit when she winked during 'Cool About It,' after pointing to her neck tattoo. She probably knew it would drive me crazy, and it did.

I saw that during 'We're In Love' she was getting emotional but holding herself together and I knew it was time for their encore. I'd seen the videos so I knew what songs were coming up.

I paid attention to my breathing through 'Please Stay,' making sure that it stayed under control for that time.

Julien's song, 'Favor' was next. I could feel the back of my throat start to burn as I heard my girlfriend's voice start to get shaky.

It wasn't until 'Graceland Too' that I started crying. Even from side stage, I could tell Julien was getting emotional. When the song came to an end, Phoebe walked over to Julien and wrapped her in a hug.

Julien kissed Phoebe's cheek before hiding her face into her shoulder blade as she began to cry. Lucy came up behind the two and hugged them. I wanted to run on stage to comfort my girl but I knew it wasn't a good idea.

The boys quickly bowed and waved at the crowd before running off stage. I stood up, and Julien crashed into my arms. I could feel her fingers grip my shirt as we wept, holding each other with the crowd's screams drowned out by a ringing in my ear. "I love you, Julien. I love you so much."

"I love you," her voice broke. We pulled apart, I wiped her tears with my thumbs as mine continued to fall. The rings burned a hole through my pocket.

My hands dropped from her face, I made sure we were far enough away that fans wouldn't see us. I pulled her simple silver-ish gray, white, and blue ring out of my pocket, it was still in the ring box. I kept mine hidden, my heart was beating out of my chest.

Phoebe and Lucy were recording us from the left, while the band and crew gathered around to watch. Julien began to cry harder after spotting the box in my hand, I started speaking, fighting through sobs.

"I couldn't see myself being with someone else for the rest of my life other than you. You understand me in a way no one else has. I want to continue to show each other how to love, I want to wake up next to you every morning and hear you speak and speak about things even if I don't completely understand what you're talking about. Truthfully I don't care if it's "too soon," I want to smell tobacco and incense every time you hug me, I want to feel your nails digging into my skin like if you let go, I'll be gone. I want the good and the bad, I only want to kiss your lips for the rest of my life. You are if the sun was a person, you light up my world and remind me that there are so many reasons to stay alive. Julien Rose Baker, will you marry me?" I got down on one knee, revealing the ring. I peered up at her with hopeful eyes.

"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" Julien's head was nodding, a huge smile stretched across her face. I got up from the ground, slipped her ring on her left finger, and kissed her. Her arms wrapped around my neck while mine, around her waist. Our friends cheered for us as the nose from the crowd dissipated.

"Here," I handed Julien my ring box, I was glad I got two rings instead of just one, being traditional is pointless anyways. "It's your turn."

"You put me on the spot! Um, okay," I could tell she was quickly racking her brain to find something to say before she popped the question. She took a deep breath and wiped her tears with the back of her hands.

"You took a lot of what I was gonna say but you've saved me on multiple occasions. We just fit perfectly together and everyone knows it! I don't care what fans say or what your parents say because we're happy. I love you," she took a step back, opened the ring box, and got down on one knee. "You've asked me, now it's my turn, and I already know what you're gonna say but Maggie Lydia, will you marry me?"

My smile was just as wide as hers, "yes, I'll marry you." Julien picked herself up, kissed me, then slipped my ring onto my left finger.

Cheers erupted as we hugged, turning to our friends. Tina and Chloé ran up to us pulling Phoebe and Lucy with them, our four friends brought us into a group hug. "You two, how?"

"Phebes and Luce flew us out! Oh my God, Julien! You have no idea how nervous she was!" Tina exclaimed.

"Oh my God, I'm getting married!" Julien wiped her tears and pulled away from the group hug. "You, oh please wear a dress!" She looked up at me with teary, begging eyes.

"That can be arranged, my love," I smiled. I placed a gentle peck on her lips. "I am so tired."

"Agreed, let me go find my dog and then we can leave," Phoebe went to go find Maxine while the rest of us made it back onto the tour bus.

I am getting married to the love of my life, I can't wait to change my last name to match hers.



I'm so proud of Boygenius for their SEVEN grammy nominations! My little band isn't so little anymore.

7 chapters + 2 epilogue ones left

you can't help but become the sun / julien bakerWhere stories live. Discover now