chapter fifty-nine

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I rarely ever write something in because someone requests it or brings an idea to me, however I did write this one. While this chapter isn't very good, i still tried my best.
This chapter's content was suggested by and now dedicated to Heartsforchloe thank you for your continuous support <3

Maggie's Pov:

"I'll bring you food! What would you like?" I asked, grabbing my keys and hooking them onto my pants.

"I already had a salad, picked it up from this place right next to the studio. If you wanted, could you bring me a coffee? I'll pay you back," she offered, her sweet voice filling my ears.

"You don't have to do that, it's just cheap coffee from Dunkin," I chuckle, grabbing my clutch. "I'll see you soon!"

"Sounds good! Oh my God, hey! Oh, honey! I have to go, someone just showed up, I'll talk to you later. I love you!" Julien sounded very excited, who could possibly make her that excited?

"Alright, love you!" I told her as I walked out of our house. Around my body was one of the only cardigans that Julien had, I stole anything from her that fit me.

The coffee run didn't take very long, I also stopped at the gas station and got myself a Red Bull because no matter how much Julien tries to get me to enjoy coffee, I still hate it.

"Can I have a pack of Marlboro's, the gold ones?" I ask, setting my blue can on the counter.

"You don't really look like the smoking type," the man commented, grabbing a pack and ringing it up along with my drink.

"I'm not, my girlfriend smokes those and she's out," I chuckled, handing him my ID and card.

"Nice, your total is ten dollars and twenty-four cents," the man scanned the items before handing them back to me.

I took my things and went straight to the studio. I'd punched in the code and rang the buzzer so Julien knew to come and get me, it took maybe a minute for her to show up.

"Hi, honey!" I smiled, stepping into the studio. I kissed her, then handed her the coffee, "Here's that, also I got you cigarettes because you said you were out," I pulled the pack from my pocket and handed it to her.

"You didn't have to do that! Oh, love, thank you so much!" she smiled, pulling me into another kiss. "Someone's here that I want you to meet, by the way."

"Okay?" I took a sip of my drink and followed her deeper into the studio. She told me she was just messing around, not working on anything serious.

"You guys met briefly but not officially," we walked into the recording room. "I'd like you to meet Hayley Williams, Hayley, this is my girlfriend Maggie!"

"Hey! it's so good to meet you!" My eyes went wide as my brain processed what was happening. Hayley Williams is right in front of me, and now we're hugging?!

"It's great to meet you! I've heard so much about you, Julien has been talking about you nonstop!" she smiled. This is crazy.

"Oh, I hope all good things!" I chuckled, pulling away from the hug. "She can be a bit of a tease," I joked, hugging my girlfriend from behind.

"All good things, I promise," Hayley chuckled, before sitting down on the couch. Julien and I sat down as well, I grabbed her hand, playing with her tattooed fingers to keep focused.

"I'd never speak poorly of you," Julien chuckled, using her free hand to brush hair out of her face.

"Trust me, I know. Beans would give you a side eye, our dog can tell when we play fight and she'll run up to me and sit next to me, but she'll give JB this awful side eye till she apologizes to us," I told her, the story made the room go up in laughter.

"Stop, that's so cute! Is she your only pet or have you gotten more since the last time I saw Beans?" She asked, taking a sip of her water.

"As of right now she's the only one," Julien answered, she'd been bugging me to get another dog. Sometimes, I think she loves dogs more than she loves me.

"Julien wants another one but she's leaving for tour in a few days and i'm not gonna deal with a puppy by myself," Beans' was a little princess. I wasn't sure how well she'd do with other dogs.

"That would be awful, dogs are so much work!" Hayley took my side, and the topic of dogs went on for a while.

For the rest of that day, we messed around in the studio. Julien made me sing, which was stupid but still fun. I was very glad that I got to hang out with Hayley. Julien had said that they used to hang out a lot so that definitely wouldn't be the last time we would hang out.


a/n: Happy Birthday, Julien Baker <3


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