chapter seventy-two

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Maggie's Pov,

Tina, Chloé, and I decided to tag along to the next show, though I was the only one who got a chance to attend. Tina had gotten food poisoning from something that she ate and wasn't feeling well at all so Chloé stayed behind to help her girlfriend.

Side stage was loud as 'Salt In The Wound' continued to play. "Oh, my God!" I yelled, seeing that Julien's top had fully come undone. My jaw dropped, she momentarily made eye contact with me, and it made her smirk. My eyes flickered down to her chest where two big rainbow X's covered her nipples, though it was more like they covered her whole boobs.

My mind was blank for the rest of the gig. After Phoebe and Lucy did a bow with the band, Julien ran across the stage with her vest opened and jumped into Phoebe's arms.

Phoebe carried my girlfriend off stage and placed her right in front of me. My jaw dropped again, seeing her standing there.

"You're in for it now, JB," Lucy smirked while hugging me, before walking over to Sarah, the band's keyboardist to spark up a conversation with her.

I closed my mouth, Phoebe's laughter rang through my ears, "damn, Julien! You're gonna get laid!" She also walked away, going to find who was taking care of her dog, Maxine.

"Are we staying in a hotel tonight?" I asked, pulling Julien closer by the sides of her open vest.

"Mhm, yeah," her desperate eyes stared up at me, her face turned red. "It's like ten minutes away, I had someone from our team drop our stuff in our rooms."

"Good, yeah. Good girl," I whispered in her ear. "How about you button up your vest and we get out of here? Might I say, you would look a whole lot better on top of me. Oh, and guess what?"

"Y-yes? what- um, what is it?" Julien stuttered, tucking pieces of her messy hair behind her ears.

"You get to do whatever you'd like to me, how does that sound?" I asked, using my hands to re-button her vest.

"Let's go, we're leaving," Julien grabbed my hand and her phone and began dragging me out of the venue.

"Where are you two going? I thought we were gonna go get food?" Phoebe asked, with Maxine in her arms. There were plans of meeting up with Tina, Chloé, and Phoebe's boyfriend after the show or the next day for lunch.

"We're leaving, right now," Julien's voice was stern, the grip on my hand was so tight. Sometimes, I forget how strong she is.

"We'll go for lunch tomorrow, maybe! I'm sorry, Phoebe!" My voice got louder and Julien dragged me farther away. "I love you!" I yelled before I got pulled all the way out of the venue.

Julien placed an order for an Uber, it was there within minutes. The ride was silent, Julien's grip on my hand transferred to my thigh, and you could cut the sexual tension with a knife.

She leaned over and whispered in my ear "I did it for you, there's whispers about my ring so I had to take the word off the streets somehow."

"So, you had to go shirtless?" I said through clenched teeth. I'll admit it, I'm a little jealous. I was aware that Phoebe was no stranger to going shirtless on stage but I wasn't expecting Julien to ever do something like that.

"You're jealous, you're cute when you're jealous," she kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna post our engagement," I told her as we slipped out of the Uber, walking into the hotel.

"Excuse me? What did you just say?" Julien grabbed my hand, stopping me before I could go and get our room keys.

"Oh, nothing! I'm gonna get out room keys," I pulled my hand away, spinning on my heels and gathering the necessary items.

Julien dragged me into our room and pushed me down on the bed, our clothes were thrown everywhere as I let my girl have her way with me.


a/n: It BLOWS MY MIND that some crazy fan made an WHOLE ASS google doc trying to prove that Jb and Lucy are dating. Like... what the hell.

4 chapters + 2 epilogue ones left :(

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