chapter fifteen

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If you were a random person on the street, you would think that the three people in the black smart car hated each other. Chloé was half asleep in the back seat, Tina had a headache and was getting snippy at everyone, and Magnolia was so exhausted, she just wanted to sleep.

"The hotel is just down this street, it was the closest one I could find to the Nissan Stadium," Maggie sighed, pulling into the last open parking spot.

"Babe, wake up," Tina gently smacked the top of her girlfriend's head. She was the first one out of the car, followed by Maggie who popped the trunk, then Chloé who was trying to walk straight without falling over.

Each girl grabbed their respective bags and sluggishly crept towards the entrance of the hotel.

"Hi, I have a reservation here," Maggie told the lady at the front desk, not bothering to hide how tired she was.

"Um, what's the name for the reservation?" the older woman asked.

"Magnolia Waters," she replied. Tina and Chloé had abandoned her for the uncomfortable lobby couches.

"Ah yes, here are your room keys. You're in room 103. You all look tired," she chuckled, placing the necessary items down on the tan-colored counter.

"Yeah, well that's what almost nine hours of nonstop driving will do to you," Maggie laughed.

"You guys drove nine hours? Are you going to that Taylor concert?" She asked, finishing up the check-in process.

"We are, our friend got us tickets," she awkwardly spun her ring that was on her right index finger.

"You're all set, I hope you have fun!" the lady, Jennette smiled.

"Thanks," Maggie grabbed everything off of the counter and walked over to her friends. "Let's go, we're just down the hall."

Room 103 was a neatly made little room, the bed closest to the door got immediately face-planted on by both Tina and Chloé right after they walked through the door and took off their shoes. It took them only a few minutes to fall asleep.

Maggie chuckled at her friends upon hearing their snores. She rummaged through the bags until she found their phone chargers, she plugged in her friend's phones, then her own. Before she got the privilege of joining them in slumber, she had to call Julien and let her know that they made it.

"Hi Jul, we made it to Nashville!" Magnolia told her, collapsing onto the bed that was equally as uncomfortable as her car seats.

"Good! I can't wait to see you! Phoebe and Lucy say hi," Julien was radiating with joy, she couldn't wait to see the girl that most of her thoughts had been occupied with again.

"Tell them I say hi! Tina and Chloé are dead asleep so if they try to text them, they won't get a response," Magnolia informed her.

"You sound exhausted, you should join them and go to sleep," Julien tenderly suggested.

"I know, I just wanted to call you first. I'll see you tomorrow," the covers were now draped over the girl's body.

"Have a good rest, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Maggie," you could hear Phoebe and Lucy talking in the background, as well as a dog bark.

"Goodnight, pretty," Magnolia mumbled out, before hanging up. She didn't even process what word had left her mouth before she had fallen asleep.

Julien's face heated up after hearing the line disconnected, Beans jumped onto the couch next to her.

"Why are you all blushy?" Phoebe asked, smirking.

"She just called me pretty, that's all," Julien said under her breath, directing her attention onto Beans instead of her bandmates who were now relentlessly teasing her.


a/n: I hate to be the type of person to change their book cover but I literally couldn't resist. When Lucy posted this photo of Julien I was taken aback because she looked absolutely stunning so i hope wattpad will quickly update everything with my new cover!


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