Chapter Twenty-Five

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The group looked at the giant mounds. Especially the largest one. It towered over all of them. Salim looked through the binoculars, trying to scope the place out. Jason was looking through his scope. The others get their guns drawn, ready in case the beasts attacked.

"You seeing what I'm seeing?" Jason asked Salim. 

"Those mounds are made of cocoons. Thousands of them," Salim whispered. There were other cocoons simply scattered about, not part of any mound. Salim looked at the largest one. "If we set the charges there, they'll all burn." Salim handed the binoculars over to Jason who scouted the area.

His eyes caught something. The cocoons were starting to crack open. "Shit! They're hatching," Jason frowned, looking back at the group. "We gotta move. Quick. Okay, listen up." The group all moved to be closer to Jason and Salim. "We've been hit hard tonight. We've lost brothers." Salim glanced over at (Y/N), who was doing his best to have a poker face, but Salim could see right through him. "But now, it's time to get some payback. We plant charges on as many of those clusters as possible and then detonate them remotely. The second those charges go off we haul ass to the exit. If luck is on our side, we'll do more than fry a few vampires. We'll create a diversion."

"If we die here, at least we'll take some of those bastards down with us," Rachel said, smiling a tiny bit. 

"Who's going to place the dynamite?" Salim questioned. He sure as hell didn't want to do it. It seemed like a suicide run. He was against this plan from the start but he didn't have much say.

There's silence for a moment. But then Nick speaks up. "Alright, fuck it. I'll do it."

"Not alone you're not," (Y/N) says. 

"Wait, what?" Salim pauses, confused. Did (Y/N) just volunteer? 

"'Preciate it, (L/N). We got this," Nick nods at the man, giving him a fist bump. Eric and Rachel walked back away, guns drawn, guarding the area. Nick handed Salim the detonator. Salim's mind was still reeling. (Y/N) volunteered. He volunteered. "If we don't make it-"

"Nick..." Jason shook his head, not wanting his friend to talk like that. Hell, both of his friends were walking into their death. He hated this.

"Hear me out. If we don't make it I want you to blow those charges. Just... don't go getting trigger happy on me," Nick said.

"Every step of the way you two keep in radio contact," Jason told them firmly.

"What do we do if there's no signal?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Then I'll pop a flare," Nick suggested. "You see it go up, you hit that detonator."

"Just be quick and safe. You hear me?" Jason frowned.

"Maybe you should get the UV Light from Eric," (Y/N) told Nick.

"Got you," Nick agreed, heading over to talk to Eric.

(Y/N) stood up, walking a couple of feet away. But Salim stood up quickly, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand, stopping him. "You can't do this," Salim said to him. "It's a suicide mission."

"If I don't, chances are no one will make it out of here," (Y/N) responded. He didn't like it either, but no one else was volunteering. (Y/N) had to make a choice. 

Salim sighs, trying to find an argument. But he can't. He knows nothing will change (Y/N)'s mind. "Be careful. Please. For me," Salim nearly begs. He wants to hug (Y/N). Kiss him. Do something. But out of the corner of his eyes he can see Nick coming back.

"I'll try," (Y/N) says. Salim lets go of (Y/N)'s hand. "Bye, Salim."

"Goodbye, (Y/N)," Salim responds. Nick and (Y/N) start walking down. Salim hates this. His heart feels like its being squeezed. He feels nervousness clawing at his throat. He prays that (Y/N) will be alright. Salim moves to kneel back next to Jason. Jason looks at him, a smile on his face. "What?" Salim asks.

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