Chapter Three

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(Y/N) watched as Jason fumbled over his words. (Y/N) didn't think there was anything here either, but he was smart enough to just shut his damn mouth.

King didn't seem too bothered by it, however. He suggested that their innocent appearance was just a cover. If it was just a cover, these people were doing one hell of a job.

"Are they ready for questioning?" Rachel asked Merwin. 

"Yeah, just... Don't ask them any tough physics questions," Merwin replied in a snarky tone.

"Let's go," Rachel said to the others, not even bothered by Merwin. She was used to it now. Her and a few others went inside, leaving the rest to guard the civilians outside.

"Stay sharp. If anyone so much as raises an eyebrow, I wanna know about it," Jason said to the group before following Rachel inside.

"Copy that," Nick nodded.

Clarice walked up to the others, her hands on her hips, her face full of concern. "I don't know about you guys, but something doesn't feel right about this place."

"Oh yeah?" Merwin tilted his head slightly. "So is that this, uh, women's intuition I keep hearing about?"

A frown came to Clarice's face. "Yeah, you wanna find out what happens when you piss it off?" She challenged, walking up to the man.

"Enough," Nick said firmly. "Right, lets each pick a group and guard them. (Y/N), you go to them over there."

(Y/N) sighed, seeing as he was guarding the people furthest away and out of sight. "Got it," He said, heading over.

It wasn't many people. A group of five. Two women and three men. Most of their faces were covered with clothing. A necessity in this sand pit. As he walked closer, he could see them tense up. They were on their knees, hands on their heads. They had been patted down, so (Y/N) didn't feel they were much danger. But still, it didn't hurt to be on alert.

"Are any of you injured?" (Y/N) asked, standing in front of them. He scanned their faces. Most seemed worried, naturally. He had his gun, but he didn't keep it trained on them.

"No... We're not hurt," A man answered. He seemed older than the rest. His voice was rough and scratchy.

"Good," (Y/N) replied. He paced back and forth. He'd interrogated people before, but this time he wasn't sure what to ask. This was King's operation, not his. "Do you know why we're here?" Silence. (Y/N) figured. "We're here because my commanding officer believes Saddam's chemical weapons are here. That ring a bell?"

"Chemical weapons?" The youngest man scoffs. "No... Not here."

"Hush, boy," The older woman scolds. "Do not say a word to this American."

"It's good advice," (Y/N) smiles. The woman scans his eyes, trying to understand the man before her. He seems genuine, but she can't be sure.

"You and your people need to leave," The young woman speaks up. She's shaking. Afraid. "I..." She tilts her head down and her glasses fall. She moves to grab them.

"Stop! He'll shoot! Don't move!" The woman yelps. The young girl listens, putting her hands back on her head.

"I won't, but... I can't say the same for my colleagues," (Y/N) tells her truthfully. He bends down, getting on one knee. He picks up her glasses and cleans them off before placing them back on her  head.

"T-Thank you..." She mutters, afraid. 

(Y/N) stands back up. "Don't worry about it."

(Y/N) is unaware that someone is watching his actions. 

"Well? What do you see?" Dar asks, snapping Salim out of his thoughts. Salim had been watching (Y/N) for a moment. The others were intimidating, scaring these poor shepherds, but that one man...

It didn't help that he was attractive. Salim couldn't help but stare through the binoculars, taking in the sight of the man. He was beautiful. And he was kind! Salim hoped it wasn't some new interrogation tactic. Good cop, then beats the shit out of them. Salim hadn't even realized he'd been staring.

"Uh... It makes no sense for them to be here," Salim blurted out, trying to think of something.

"Maybe they're looking for Saddam's hideout?" Dar suggested, keeping his gun in his grip. He had it trained on Joey, knowing he was the guard. He would need to be taken out first.

"You think Saddam is down there?" Salim scoffed. These people were nothing. They were no threat.

"No. But these 'shepherds' could know where he is," Dar replied. "We can't take the risk."

Salim's brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?" Dar looked at the helicopter that was circling around. An idea came to his mind. He reached for a case, opening it. "What are you doing?" Salim questioned, trying to see what the man had. It was a grenade launcher. Dar pulls it out, and Salim tries to stop him, trying to push it back into the case. "That's our people down there!"

"So you say," Dar says, pushing it into Salim's grip. He wants him to shoot it. 

"Are you serious?" Salim asks in disbelief. This could kill as many people as it would kill the Americans!

"The timing is perfect for an ambush," Dar explains. He takes the binoculars, looking through them. "I order you to fire, Lieutenant."

Salim aims it but can't seem to bring himself to fire. "This is suicide," He says, thinking of his son. Zain needed his father!

"We have the element of surprise."

"But, Captain-"

"I gave you a direct order!" Dar yells, a little too loudly. "Lieutenant." The helicopter is in perfect shot. Dar gestures his head towards it. "Quickly! Take the shot."

Salim tries. He does. But he can't bring himself to do it. He sighs. "I won't do it. This is not right."

"Get it together, Salim! We fight fire with fire!"

"Not like this," Salim snaps back. "Not here. We'll all die if we fight here."

Dar is getting frustrated. Why won't Salim just do a damn thing he asks? "Our homeland is being conquered right in front of our eyes. Why'd you join if you're too damn scared to pull the trigger?" Dar gives him one more chance. But he doesn't do it. "You jackass." Dar reaches up and grabs the launcher from him. 

"Dar!" Salim tries to grab it back, to stop him, but Dar pushes him out of the way. "Please, just -"

He doesn't get a chance to convince him. Dar pulls the trigger, hitting the helicopter. It spins, flames spreading as it crashes to the ground. Everyone gets ready to fight, fear and panic setting in.

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