Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The place had been crumbling all around them. But the destruction of the ruins gave them their way out. A statue had given them access to a giant hole, allowing Rachel to throw the rope. (Y/N) was tired as hell, body still aching, but he managed to make it up. 

The first thing he noticed was how bright it was. He could barely see Jason in front of him, helping him up. Once (Y/N) made it up, he turned, helping Salim up onto solid ground again. 

The group each stood for a moment, looking out onto the world. (Y/N) couldn't believe he was seeing this again. He hadn't expected to survive. But he was here. And more important than himself, Salim was alive. (Y/N) promised him he was going to get him to his son again.

"We made it!" Rachel grinned, looking out onto the vast landscape. She put her hands on her hips, basking in the sun. "Soak up those rays, guys. Soak it all up!"

Eric walked up to his wife, who met him with a happy smile. Nick laid down on the ground, exhausted. Jason joined him, sitting next to his friend. "You still with me, buddy?" Jason asked. Nick gave him a thumbs up, causing Jason to laugh. "We got two alive, very fuckin' ready to go home marines here."

(Y/N) has his hands on his knees, catching his breath. It was so humid down there. He's glad to breathe clearly again. Salim walks up to the man, patting him on the back. "I told you that we'd see the sun again," Salim says softly.

(Y/N) smiles, standing and facing Salim. "I think you and I made a few other promises," (Y/N) chuckled.

"And now we can make good on them," Salim smiled. "But first... I must return home to my boy. He must be worried about me!"

"Now he knows what it's like when someone is gone all night," (Y/N) jokes. If Zain truly was a troublemaker like Salim said, there must have been plenty of times were Salim had no clue where Zain was. If he was anything like (Y/N), anyways. (Y/N) knew he left his parents worried sick on more than one occasion.

Eric grabbed his radio, hoping a signal would finally go through. "Dropkick to Coyote Two. Radio check. Over."

There was a minute of silence. Everyone started to worry. Rachel went to try her radio, but a voice finally responded. "This is Coyote Two. Solid copy. EVAC units are being prepped. ETA five hours. Wait. Over." Eric grinned, pleased his message got through to those on the other side. Jason and Nick stood up, standing back with the group. (Y/N) and Salim moved closer to the others as well.

"We got back up again," Eric said. "We beat the enemy."

"I sure forgot how bright it was out here," Rachel mumbled, blocking the sun with her hand.

"Think those shepherds are still around here?" Jason chuckled, looking around. "I could use a cold one."

"Count me in," (Y/N) laughed.

It seemed to be getting dark. (Y/N) didn't know what time it was, but it seemed odd. It was getting more and more dark. Quickly. The group looked at the sun, confused. Their happiness turned to fear when they saw it. 

An eclipse.

"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me..." (Y/N) whispered, realizing what was about to happen.

"No... Not again," Rachel whined. She watched the sun become overtaken by darkness. And then she saw it. A beast.

They began to fly out of the different holes in the ground. They screeched, searching for the survivors. There were dozens. The group pulled out their weapons.

"Inside!" Rachel commanded, looking at the building. "Get inside, now! If we stay out here, we die!" The group listened to her. They all began to run inside. Jason kicked the door open, allowing them access. When they reached the main room, Rachel spoke up. "Shore up the defenses! Lock this place down tight!"

So they did. Tables, chairs, anything they could pick up, the group used to block the windows and doors. The creatures began to swarm around the building, knowing the rest of the people were inside. 

The group huddled together, aiming their weapons. "How long until the damn eclipse passes?" Rachel asked.

"Six minutes max," Eric quickly responded. "We just need to hold out!"

"Easier said than done," (Y/N) frowned.

"This is way too long!" Jason yelled.

"I can't rush the damn moon," Eric shot back. There were holes in the building. All over. The roof, the walls, the doors. Enough where the creatures could try and slip through. The group could see them try to figure out how. "They're breaking inside!" 

The group opened fire, each splitting off into their own area. Nick backed into a corner, gun ready to shoot. (Y/N) looked at him and noticed a creature was right above him. "Shit, move!" (Y/N) yelled at him, pushing Nick out of the way.

The creature breaks the roof, reaching down. It's hands land on (Y/N), grabbing his arms, pulling him up. "(Y/N)!" Nick screams, catching Salim's attention. Nick and Salim each grabbed a leg, trying to save (Y/N). The beast gives up, dropping (Y/N), causing all three men to fall down. 

"Thanks," (Y/N) breathes out, shocked at what had just happened.

"Don't mention it," Nick replies before he goes off, shooting at more beasts.

Salim helps (Y/N) up. He has seen his lover almost die too many times tonight. He was not going to let him die now. Not when they were so close to making it out. (Y/N) and Salim get back to defending the building.

"Push those motherfuckers back to hell!" Nick shouts, more angry than anything.

Rachel shoots her gun, but it doesn't do more than deter the creatures for a second. "Drive them back!" She yells. Rachel reloads her pistol, noticing she is dangerously low on ammo. "Fuck, I'm almost out!"

"Shit," Eric curses, also reloading his gun. "That's my last clip."

"Anyone got anymore bright ideas?" Rachel asks, desperate.

Eric paused, thinking. He rushes over to pull out two boxes. The group looks to see what he has. Eric opens it, revealing a shitload of flares.

"Is this it?" Rachel frowns. "Flares? Where's the ammo?"

"Light them," Eric orders. "We can hold them off." (Y/N) understands. These creatures burned easily. So burn them with flares. Each person began to grab the flares before huddling in a circle.

(Y/N) grabs a knife from his hip and hands it to Salim to light the flare. (Y/N) grabs one from his chest holster for himself. Salim smiles at him, laughing. "So you weren't kidding," Salim says to him.

(Y/N) smiles as they both light their flares. The group each has a flare, ready. One by one, each person gets their own beast to fight. (Y/N) saw his and felt his heart drop as it lunged at him. He dodged it, barely. It quickly turned around, jumping again, knocking (Y/N) on his feet. (Y/N) watched as its mouth opened and quickly stuck his flare inside its mouth. The creature screeched, jumping off of (Y/N), getting away, trying to spit the flare out.

(Y/N) watched as sun began to peak through the holes. The creatures screamed in pain, beginning to burn. The beasts desperately tried to fly away, trying to make it back into the ground. Some did, but most burned before they had the chance. (Y/N) smiled as he watched the last one burn to a crisp.

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