Chapter 12: The Deep Dark Well

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A/n: hello Angels. Before we begin with the story proper, I just want to make an announcement that moving forward, I'll be changing the POV from a 3rd party into hybrid hence it's hard to express the character's inner thought just by using a 3rd party POV because I'm used to express my character's inner thoughts effectively using their own POV's.

That's all. Love lots.

Arianna G.



Gemini the siren, Lucian the pixie and me Fourth aka Lumiere in this world had decided to make a stop over at a certain village which is named after its inhabitants, the Capilis. According to Lucian, the Capilis is a race of powerful dwarfs that can hone the elements of nature at will. They can be easily identified by their strange outfits with long pointy shoes and hats with a lamp made from the tears of willow attached at the end. Lucian also said that the brighter of their lamps are, the stronger their magic.

I also found out from Gemini that the liferoot plant that Lucian brought to fully cure the dragon's venom inside me was actually from the Capilis so I'm thrilled as well to finally meet them as we fly through the depths of the woods. To personally express my gratitude.

Speaking of saving my life, I could not thank Gemini more than enough upon knowing how much he had sacrificed just to save my life. I could not even look at the guy longer even though we were just flying side by side because of embarrassment. I really appreciate his effort though. Very much.

Starting that day, I started to admire him even more because of his courage. It was something that I never did with Ai' Ford way back when I had the chance.

No's time to move on from the past.

I sighed heavily to gather my thoughts again before I looked back at Gemini. This half-human half-fish guy is undeniably good looking. I even envy his side profile as the wind brushes through the strands of his hair. He looks ethereal in my eyes. How could someone be this good looking? Is it common in this world?

I guess so, even my pixie Lucian is so cute that I wanna pinch his cheeks.

I was busy admiring the god given beauty in front of me when its owner suddenly  grabbed me closer to him. Slumping my small body into his in a tight embrace.

"Are you that mesmerized by my handsomeness that you did not notice the big tree before you, huh Lumiere?" Gemini whispered in my ears as he carried me in his arms like how a man carries a girl. Smirking at me as if I boasted his ego.

My eyes widened like an owl when I realized what he and I did. I even felt my cheeks warming up indicating that I am flustered to the core.

Ugh..I really don't understand why this guy's actions affect me in ways so foreign to my feelings?

M-maybe because he saved my life and I owe him that in return? Yeah..maybe that's it.

"I do not! Don't make assumptions, big fish." I rebut to avoid embarrassing myself more than I already did.

He chuckled because of it and yeah, I instantly discovered a new addiction in life.

His laugh.

"Calling me by names now huh?..If you say so. I'll just pretend that I did not notice that redness on your face and ears then."

"Ai' Gem!!!" I shyly glared at him earning me another chuckle as he fastened his flight. "Whatever. Just let me go will you? You're making my wings rather useless."

"No can't do, my liege. It's better this way." Gemini whispered softly into my ear while smirking.

What is wrong with this fish? He's acting pretty unusual. I look at him weirdly like I'm literally telling him that I find his actions weird by my stares and as expected, he just smiled at me again.

HYMN OF LIGHT ( GeminiFourth Fantasy AU ) [On Going]Where stories live. Discover now