Chapter 4. Summer In L.A

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Jina and Yuri came back home by the evening..


"Where have you two been?" Jina's husband asked as he stood up from the couch.

"We were...."

He then showed the picture

He then pulled Jina's arm harshly.

"Mom!" Yuri shouted.

"You're hurting me!....let me go..."

"How dare you both go behind my back... Don't you know you'll be staining my reputation! My wife? Having an illegitimate son! And an illicit affair!"Her husband shouted angrily

"'re hurting mom!" Yuri said.

"If you two will meet with them again and get caught by the media, you will destroy all my hard work..."

"That's it! I've had enough. You were always so concern with your image more than me and Yuri. Let's have a divorce."

Jina then walked away, so did Yuri.

Her husband's eyes widened as he clenched his fists in anger.

The next morning.....

"I'm sorry about last night didn't have to witness all of that." Jina told Yuri as they were on the school grounds.

"It's okay mom. Dad didn't have to hurt you."

"Anyways, it is already summer...Any plans?"

"Mom...I have an idea...I would love to have my summer vacation in Los Angeles...I will invite my friends."

"You sure? So you're visiting Kitty?"

"That's right mom."

"Alright....look...there they are." Jina then patted her back before leaving.

Yuri saw Dae, Q, Madison, and Juliana walking together towards her.

She then led them to seats.

"Hey guys....Let's go on a vacation at Kitty's hometown." Yuri said.

"Kitty? Why?" Juliana asked.

"Well...she's a great friend of ours so...why not right?"

Deep inside Juliana was wondering why Yuri kept mentioning Kitty.

"That's a great idea... it really feels lacking here without her." Madison pouted.

Then they realized that Dae was there.

"Dude...we're sorry." Yuri held his hand.

"It's fine...After what happened...I still want to see her though." Dae still managed to smile

"You'll not be going to L.A without me." They heard a familiar voice.

They saw Alex.

"Professor Finnerty? Coming with us?" Q asked.

Alex then sat with them

"I know you probably didn't hear about this but I think it's time me and Yuri reveal to you guys something." Alex explained.

"What is it?" Juliana asked.

"Me and Alex are half mom pregnant with him with professor Lee." Yuri explained

"What?!" Madison exclaimed.

"For real?!" Juliana couldn't believe as well.

Dae was tongue tied.

"Yes....Kitty was the one who helped us discover it. But now she's not here." Alex said and looked down in a sad expression.

"Then....we must go to Los Angeles.." Dae said.

"Yes with Yuri's half brother and to supervise you all." Alex said.

"Oh...and Q....any updates from Florian?" Yuri asked him.

"No.." Q looked down on his phone in agony.

Yuri and Alex both exchanged looks.

The next day.....

"Are we all complete here?" Alex asked.

"Yes we are professor." Madison smiled.

Behind her was Dae, Q, Yuri, and Juliana.

"Wait, we are not complete yet." Yuri said.

"Why?" Q asked.

Then he was surprised to see Florian walking towards them with his luggages.

His eyes were now filled with tears as Florian smiled at him.

"Florian? Is this not a dream?" Q said.

"It isn't." Florian replied.

"We invited him here Q...we can't afford to see you all gloomy." Yuri said.

"Yuri's right. After all being expelled is different from being out from the friend group." Alex said.

" may have cheated but I still admire you." Madison patted his head.

Then they all went onboard for their flight.

As they all arrived, the beauty of Los Angeles was shown.

From the sights of the grasses, to the flowing seas, and to the high rise bright buildings.


Kitty was lying down on Minho's lap.

"'re still wearing the necklace I gave." Minho told her.

"Yes. Of course." Kitty blushed.

Just then the doorbell rang...

"Dad is on a vacation right now with her new love. Who could that be." Kitty said.

Then she stood up and opened..

She was startled when..

"SURPRISE!" Yuri and the rest shouted.

"Who is that?" Minho went beside Kitty to see who was there.

And this time Yuri and the others were the ones who were shocked.

"Minho? What are you doing here?" Madison asked.

Minho and Kitty stood up all nervous, as being caught redhanded.

| End of Chapter |

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