Chapter 14. The Heart Chooses

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Minho closed his eyes as Kitty kissed him.

After the kiss, he could see Kitty's gentle look in her eyes.

" took me a long time to realize it. You were always there for me...I was too blind to see that. When I was still so confused, heartbroken, and cared for me even if we did initially hate each other. My gravitating towards you."

Kitty spoke to him wholeheartedly.

"Does that mean...."

"I think I fell in love with you, a little bit.....or....a lot."

Minho eyesmiled then he kissed her again.

Eventually pulled her with him inside and locked the door.

He carried Kitty, her legs wrapped around his waist as he kept kissing her.

Then he removed her outdoor coat, leaving only her white shirt on.

She also removed his upper shirt, leaving him bare.

Then he carried, placed her down on his bed and kept kissing her, then he peppered kisses on her face down her neck.

After the makeout session....

Minho wrapped his arm around Kitty, like cuddling each other.

"This is no longer a dream." Minho said.


Minho then whispered.


Minho nodded and Kitty could only chuckle.

"Hey you're disgusting!" 

"And yet here you are.."

They both ended up laughing.

"Anyway, where is Dae and Q?" Kitty asked again.

"They are not here... Q is out practicing sports and Dae is busy studying...aiming to be top 1."

"Hey Minho...."


"Aren't you mad at me? You were giving me a cold shoulder nowadays."

Minho's expressions changed.

"I saw you talking to my dad, about your mom....Madison recorded it and she let me see it."

"Minho...I am really sorry...I was about to tell you...I also did not expect this. I knew that you were gonna get hurt. I shouldn't have meddled."

"I'm sorry Kitty...I was also a jerk...I realized that none of it was your fault. Our parents are the one to be blamed. But I guess we can't really blame someone who is still in love..."

"You're right Minho."

"But I still think it's not easy to forgive my dad for hurting my mom."

"I completely understand....give it time.... I am also happy to know about my mom's first love, but I am sad that you have to go through all of this because of my mom."

"It's okay about you'll sleep here for tonight?"

"What?! No way....I'd get expelled again."

"I'll make sure no one knows. I'll cook you your favorite tomorrow."

She chuckled for a bit but still shook her head in disagreement.

Next morning....

Yuri saw Kitty waking up from her bed, smiling so widely

"Wow...looks like someone woke up on the right side of the bed." Yuri said as she served some hot milk on the kitchen table.

Then Kitty sat on one of the chairs.

"What is this?" She asked as she saw a lunchbox.

"I'm guessing you may have liked me but your heart is now choosing a guy....Bisexual things.." Yuri smirked.

Kitty saw the lunchbox and opened it.

She saw a tuna gimbap without mayo.

She took a bite of it.

"Yum..." She said.

"It's from Minho."

Kitty smiled wholeheartedly as she took a piece of it.

That noon at the library.....

Dae, Q, and Kitty were hanging out together..

"What?! You slept in our dorm with Minho last night?" Q shouted.

"Ssshhhh....quiet...everyone will hear you...."

"Wha..How...did this happen?...He was rude, a jerk to you." Dae asked.

"I...finally figured out my new feelings now... Yes, I feel some sort of attraction for Yuri and I can't explain why...but with's like when I remember those times with him....I feel like my heart is clenching..."

" are seriously obsessed now...Minho's a casanova." Q said

"You know...we used to do that as well Kitty." Dae added

Kitty looked at him with full guilt in her eyes.

Suddenly Kitty felt uneasy.

What if Minho was really just playing with her...the worst possible scenarios were now playing in her head.

Minho was her worst enemy ever since she went to KISS, but now she was dating him.

You're as trusting as my dad's 3rd wife....

She remembered those words from Minho.

Did he really want her? Were her feelings for her sincere? She wanted another assurance from him.

"Kitty, forget what I said....My feelings for you is hard to erase but....I really do feel like Minho treats you better....He even noticed small details like you having tuna gimbap without am hoping for the best." Dae told her

"I know Dae...but I will forever feel guilty...for what I did to you...You are kind Dae...And I feel like I'm the one who doesn't deserve you."

Kitty looked at Dae teary eyed, then she hugged him.

"You don't have to feel regret or anything. I will be fine." Dae said.

Then Kitty's tears fell.

Dae have some lingering feelings for her, but this time..He's the one realizing that he wasn't ready..nor had the backbone to fight for their relationship back then.

| End of Chapter |

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