Chapter 18. The Perfect Match

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At Kitty's dorm....

Kitty was already folding her clothes as she was going back to Portland to celebrate Chuseok there with her family.

Yuri on the other hand was eating with Juliana, Alex, her Dad, Simon, Professor Lee, and Jina at their mansion.

"I'm so glad we all made it here today. Let us prepare for tomorrow's chuseok."  Jina's husband said.

"Cheers." Jina raised her glass.

"Now this is what we meant when we wanted to invite you on holidays." Yuri told Alex

Jina was smiling as she saw that their dining table was now filled with people.

Unlike before where she always ate alone.

After Kitty has finished packing up, she heard a knock

She opened and saw Dae.

"Hey....advance Happy Chuseok...I just want to give you this." Dae gave her a basket of fruits.

"Thank you Dae...this is cool. Advance Happy Chuseok too.. and here are some ramen I bought" Kitty replied and gave him a pack of ramen.

"Thank you. I see that you're packing up....going back to Portland? Not Los Angeles?"


"Kitty...if ever you'll need someone...a friend or anyone....know, that I will always be here." Dae smiled.

"Okay..and Dae..even if we had a history...and even if I shamelessly left you..... that I will always be your friend too." Kitty replied.

Then they both hugged.

Kitty carried with her, her luggage and then saw Q.

" and Florian are celebrating holidays together..both in Greece and France." Q excitedly told her.

"Wow...I'm really glad to hear that...So happy for you guys." Kitty replied.

"How about Minho, Kitty.....he's already at the airport."

"You mean....he's going elsewhere?!"

"Yes....he's going back to LA with his mom and eventually Simon also wanted to be with them. They're gonna have Chuseok."

"I think I'm gonna catch up bye!!"

This time Kitty dragged her luggage with her and hailed a taxi.

As she was riding the taxi, she looked at the diary of her mom.

Then she took an empty brown piece of paper and started writing..

Dear Mom,

I finally discovered who your first love was.......and it made me discover more about love.

You made me realize do not always end up with the person that you ever first loved....but you end up with the right person who will come along and make you feel like you are special..

And I think that's why you ended up with  dad.

Someone who is honest,who is not afraid to speak of his feelings, someone who is changing for the better, and someone who is there when you need someone..

I saw that in Minho..

I think he does not need to learn how to love, because he already knew how to do it..despite his initial disbelief of the idea of 'love'.

I miss you mom....

Xo, Kitty.

Kitty's tears fell as she wrote her letter, she then placed it inside a yellow tacky envelope with hearts embedded on it.

She rushed as she finally arrived at the airport.

She looked around, gasping for her breath, her eyes widened in confusion trying to locate Minho.

She kept walking with her luggage.

Until she surrendered in exhaustion and sat down.

Until a guy in black chic coat, while wearing a sling bag bumped unto her side.

"Hey...excuse me..."She was about to scold him when he turned.

She looked and her eyes softened.

It was Minho.

It reminded her of the first time they met at the airport.


Kitty stood up and embraced him so tightly.

Kitty smiled as she hugged him more tightly.

"Ouch you're hitting on me again Portland stalker." Minho jokingly said.

After their hug..

"I thought you already left." Kitty's eyes were teary.

"Oh please...I was here waiting hoping that a girl would follow me here and send me off before my flight in Los Angeles."

"And that girl is here." Kitty chuckled.

"Before I leave, I'd just like to say it again...... I like you Kitty and no matter what happens I am going to see you." Minho told her with his gentle voice.

"I will wait Minho...I like you and I'm going to miss you."

Minho leaned closer and they pressed their lips on one another.

They both closed their eyes, kissing each other's lips slowly, with passion, and with longingness.

Then they both hugged each other again.

| End of Chapter |

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