Chapter 8. Simon

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Kitty sobbed in front of the beach area.

Then Lara Jean saw her and sat beside her.

"Hey kitty...."

"LJ...what are you doing here?"

"I heard how complicated your story is awhile ago."

Kitty could still chuckle because of her words.

"That was the truth. I broke up with Dae, because I liked Yuri...Minho confessed to me and..we ended up dating."

" you really like Yuri?"

"A lot."

"But Yuri....she has someone already right?"

"Well yes."

"There's definitely nothing wrong with that if that's the reason why you're crying right now..."

"I cried because Yuri won't probably see me as a friend now. We won't be like we used to."

"You have to talk to her."

"Yeahh...but maybe when I'm ready."

"But Minho?...You are now dating him...He is the most affected one here. You liking Yuri. Don't you think Minho deserves an explanation right now."

"You're right."

"Minho is the one who invited us here... From what I see, he really admires you...he must be so devastated to hear you like someone else despite you two dating. Do you like him?"

Kitty looked down and realized...

Why did I start dating Minho...was it to forget the fact that I had lingering feelings for Yuri?....She thought.

"I need to talk to him. Thanks Lara Jean." Kitty stood up.

Then she walked away.

From afar, she saw Minho with campfire in front of the beach.

He had a glass of whiskey on his hand.

She then sat beside him.

"Minho...I am sorry....I don't deserve you and any of this."

"You are a horrible person you know that." Minho said.

"I am really sorry.."

"That must be the reason why you have no response to my confession back at the plane."

Kitty realized that she did not tell him she likes her back at the plane.

"I tried to tell you but you were always so persistent to win me with your gestures."

"It was really unexpected that you liked Yuri....but...I can respect that."

They both turned silent.

"So what now covey?"

"Well.....I may like Yuri...but already with somebody else."

"I'm talking about us."


"Covey....if you need more time to figure out yourself.. I'd understand it. You don't have to tell me yet if you like me back or not. I don't wanna pressure you."

Kitty was teary eyed at Minho's words.

She realized he was giving her time to discover herself.

This was another side of Minho that only she has ever seen.

"Thank you Minho." She hugged him teary eyed.

Then she removed his necklace and gave it back to him.

Days passed by....

Kitty was lying down on her bed, still confused by her own feelings for Minho

But she knew for a fact that her feelings for Yuri are not easy to get rid of.

Minho also lied down on his own bed at home...he watched his pictures with Kitty.

Kitty looked at the diary of her mom once again.


She always wondered about the mysterious man...

She went to the living room area, and saw a certain small book on the sofa.

It was a small black one.

Huh....who owns this?..Kitty thought.

She opened and there was a picture of Minho.

Then she saw a letter.

I have always wondered..why mom and dad couldn't seem to be the perfect match like they used to.

My dad used to go to KISS and he formed a band with his friends.

He was the 'IT' guy, but he was a jerk.

He used to be preoccupied with someone at KISS and I'm going to find out about it.

Kitty then saw another picture with a guy carrying little Minho.

At the back, the name written was.


| End of Chapter |

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