Chapter 6. Kitty's Birthday

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Q, Florian, Yuri, Juliana, Madison, and Alex all arrived at the cabin in Redondo Beach.

They were so awed by the surroundings.

They went inside and there were no other people except them.

They all divided themselves and went separate rooms.

"Wow.. this is so ethereal." Alex reacted as he was in the lobby.

"I know....Minho is rich so he could afford all of this." Dae replied

"Hey Dae..."

"Yes professor."

"Regarding your has been redeemed already...I hope you are doing okay after everything that has happened."

"Yes well...I am...but..I still want to talk to Kitty..I know me and her are 'done' but I just want to make her feel that I could still be her friend."

"Hey girls...let's go to that room!" Madison excitedly pointed

She, Juliana and Yuri eventually went to their own rooms.

On the other hand, Florian and Q went inside their room..

"god this is beautiful!" Florian immediately dived unto one of the beds.

Q then sat beside him.

"Hey Florian...I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"You got you will be going to either France or Greece...."

Florian sat up upon hearing his question.

"Q...I have done the most biggest crime in KISS... I deserve all of really hurts....that I will not be seeing you anymore."

Q's tears started to fall.

"After this....let us not stop meeting Florian...distance won't be the reason why we would separate right?"

"I will try be by your side....despite the distance."

They both then embraced each other.

That evening at the function hall area near the pool.....

Yuri was the one spinning like a DJ

There were a lot of guests as well, like the friends of Minho's mom, her staffs, and other of his friends.

Q, Juliana, Madison, and Florian were drinking margaritas as they danced.

Alex and Dae were jamming on the corner.

"Hello everyone...I hope you are all doing great." Minho approached them.

"Yes we are...this is so good Minho." Madison told him.

His expressions turned into frown upon seeing her.

Then when he turned, Kitty was now going down the stairs.

They all stopped the music and sang happy birthday to her as she went down.

Minho smiled so widely upon seeing her.

Yuri also smiled as if she was captivated.

Then Juliana on the side saw her and clenched her fists.

Kitty was wearing a black dress, like Minho wanted

She was also wearing high heels.

"Happy Birthday Kitty!"

"Kitty we missed you!"

They all gathered at her and gave her hugs.

As they were done, Kitty's eyes were on Yuri.

"Hey Kitty...too bad we couldn't talk so much back at the airport." Yuri said

Yuri was smiling while staring at her.

Then everything went slow mo for Kitty just staring at her.

Just like what happened on Minho's madness party back then.

She was captivated all over again.

"Kitty." Minho interrupted her thoughts as he went beside her.

Kitty looked at him.

It felt like she was in the center of both of them.

She looked at Yuri, then back at Minho.

"Kitty we need to talk.." Dae also went towards her direction.

This time...she was like a lost child trying to determine the right choice..

Dae....Yuri....or Minho.

| End of Chapter |

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