Chapter 12. The Jerk is Back

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At the school lobby....

"I can't believe you're finally back now Simon." Jina told him as they were sipping tea with Professor Lee.

"Weren't you famous enough to go back here?" Professor Lee asked.

"Daniel....that doesn't mean I won't have to go back here. I have my son."

"Why was Kitty talking to you?"

"She told me about Eve." Simon replied

"The letter..." Jina muttered.

"You already have a wife now. Minho is already suffering enough."

"I know. But just so you know...I wanna make it up to him before it's too late."

At Dae, Q, and Minho's dorm.....

Minho arrived and he saw Q, Dae, and Kitty sitting together on the couch.

He was back to his arrogant atmosphere again.

"Hey're back." Q said,

then the three of them stood up.

"Minho....I have something to tell you. I also brought snacks for us." Kitty excitedly said.

"Why are you here?" Minho asked in a slight rude tone.

Q and Dae felt the awkward atmosphere between them....a weird tension.

Even Kitty noticed the slight annoyance in his voice.

" know what? Me and Dae have to go get coffee instead..Bye." Q then pulled Dae with him.

They both left the room.

"Are you okay?" Kitty asked as she walked closer to him.

"Well...yes I am...okay... Get out here or you'll get caught."

Minho then placed down his bag and fixed some things.

"Are you mad at me or something?"

"Well are always trespassing here for no particular reason."

"I was not. It's as if you are treating me like before!"

"Well I am treating you that way. Because I don't want to ever see you around my area again."

Minho then wore his coat and slammed the room door so loudly in front of her face.

"Great...So you are back to being the mean, cold jerk." Kitty spoke to herself.

The next morning.....

At the Namsan Outdoor Botanical Garden....

At the Namsan Outdoor Botanical Garden

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"Okay students.....we are here for a special treat....we are going to have our tree planting activity. Go to your favorite people and enjoy with them!" Professor Alex announced.

Kitty observed that Minho was not walking with her, Dae, Yuri, and Q.

She watched as he was not looking at her but his eyes were focused on Madison.

Smiling, and they both kissed.

It's almost as if he was back to his old self.

"Hey...Minho....isn't he dating you?" Q asked.

"We were done okay? He gave me time to think about my feelings for Yuri." Kitty replied.

"And all this time, I thought you two were still together." Dae replied.

"Well...he gave her time.." Yuri spoke.

"But I felt like something was wrong yesterday. I really feel like he's mad at me." Kitty said in confusion.

"What could the reason be, unless he's jealous that you have feelings for me." Yuri said.

"Minho's not like that Yuri." Kitty replied.

"Alright...places people...go get your tools and get it on!" Alex said.

Afternoon before Sunset.....

They all went inside a huge pavilion fit for all the students..

They were all holding fruits with letters in it.

"So...those fruits you've picked...I want you to give it to the people you'd like to ask forgiveness for."

Each of them started giving fruits to the people they were asking for forgiveness.

Dae was then the next one.

"This fruit of mine. I'd like to give it to...Minho...These past few days...I really did not find any time to talk to him...but now...I am saying I'm sorry....He was right....I didn't deserve Kitty...I should have been more open...but all I did was give her heartache....From now on, I will focus on my own self-development...and I will be rooting for you and Kitty." Dae gave his speech.

Dae then gave him the fruit.

"I also like to do the same to Dae....I regret what I have done to him these past few weeks and when we fought for no reason...I never should've made you feel like a bad person. In fact, I should have understood your situation during those times." Minho then gave him his fruit in return.

Dae smiled as he accepted it.

"Minho....what I really apologize for getting in the way between you and Kitty."

The other students started murmuring.

Kitty did not expect Dae's words...

It feels like Dae is doing that to try to get to the bottom of things on why Minho was mad at me he thinking it's his fault?....Kitty thought.

"Between me and Kitty?...Dae...there's nothing between us..what are you even talking about? If there is it's only temporary....obviously..." Minho smirked sarcastically.

He then walked towards Kitty.

"Kitty...I will also give you a fruit to apologize....I never really had feelings for you...I just tried to see if you were easy to be swayed like the other girls....and I was right."  He continued his speech.

He then placed a red apple on her lap.

The other students started laughing, while the other girls gave her a 'loser' look.

Kitty's expressions were full of embarrassment and being upset at the same time.

Q, and the others were shocked.

Even Professor Alex.

| End of Chapter |

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