Chapter 11. Star Crossed Lovers

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Simon read the letter, and he smiled while his eyes were brimming with tears.

"I never thought she felt for me that way....I also felt that for her."

"But...then Minho's mom...."

"I know...I have really hurt her and Minho...with my first love...I couldn't forget her....I tried to..."

"Did you know she died?"

"Yes...that is why...I tried to forget it all the way more by spending more time with other girls....I wanted to be the bad guy...forgetting my own son and my wife."

"You really need to talk to Minho...before he harbors any more hatred."

"I will Kitty....From now on, I will make it up to him."

Just then Principal Lim and Professor Lee happened to pass by.

"Simon?! You're here!" Professor Lee smiled so much.

"Heyy...long time no see.."Principal Lim also greeted him.

This time Simon gave her a signal and Kitty instantly stood and walked away.

It felt like a huge burden had been lifted from her heart.

Then she remembered when Minho was telling her about his parents back when they were preparing for Chuseok

When he spoke afterwards, that at the end of the day what mattered was the 'truth'.

At a rental dormitory in Seoul.....

Juliana was sitting down in the café on the rental dormitory ground floor scrolling through her phone.

She was looking at the pictures she had with Yuri.

My baby: Please Come Back...We have to talk...I have always looked at you.


Juliana looked and saw Florian.

"Florian? you staying here?"

" about you?"

"Yes I am too."

"Does Yuri Know?"

"Nope...I don't want her to."

"Same...I don't want Q to find out I'm here either.."

Florian then sat across her.

"I hope you're okay after Kitty confessed to Yuri.."

"I am not...I am so afraid that I would lose Yuri. I have lost her once, I was even blackmailed when I try to see her again."

"I know that feeling. I feel that way for Q as well."

"You know it's funny that we being the problematic ones are staying together in the same rental dormitory." Juliana chuckled.

"I know...but aren't you going back?." Florian asked.

"I can't....I need more time to do this, to also heal myself.."

"You know me and Q almost broke up due to my parents...but..I wanted to stay...I hope you and Yuri resolve your own problems."

"Thank you Florian."

At the outdoor area of KISS...

Q, Dae, and Kitty were walking together

"What?! So you're telling me that your mom had another first love...he's Simon...who turns out to be the dad of Minho?!" Q was surprised upon hearing Kitty's words.

"Wow that is so unexpected. Now, Minho likes you. Is this like father and son?." Dae chuckled.

"Ssshh...Yes! What a small world.. now I know they are not in good terms and I don't know how to explain this to Minho." Kitty pouted.

Minho was reading a magazine from afar when he saw Q, Dae, and Kitty walking together.

He was smiling and was about to approach when.

"Hey Minho...."

"Madison? What are you doing here?"

They both sat on the bench as Madison showed him a video of the conversation between Kitty and Simon.

"I had to show you this Minho...before you'd give your whole heart to Kitty." Madison told him.

Minho watched the video.

It felt like his heart was being clenched.

He remembered the times his mom always got drunk and cried because of his dad.

"That explains why...." He muttered.

His eyes were teary, as if his anger just exploded into sadness.

He after all finally saw the answer he was looking for in KISS.

| End of Chapter |

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