Chapter 1 -÷- Revival

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The old stone walls surrounding the trio that descended deep into the land brought a sense of unease, combined with the black mist that danced past their feet. Leading the charge with a torch in hand to light the way was the princess of a kingdom long dead, a woman with short blonde hair that she'd recently gotten cut, and a hood just above here usual blue clothes.

Following behind was a man with a legendary sword strapped to his back, one that was capable of repelling any evil. The man had a darker shade of blonde hair tied back into a ponytail with a well-worn blue band and a matching blue shirt over chainmail and under some recently added leather strapping.

Finally, tailing the group was the youngest member, one who'd only been traveling with the duo for a few years at that point.

The trio continued to decend as the woman in the front spoke up, "This strange gloom keeps getting thicker..." Turning a corner and spotting the glow of a bunch of luminous stones through the mist, the woman continued, "We've been descending for a while now... These tunnels are deeper than I thought. What could be down here?"

This woman was Zelda, the Princess of Hyrule. The person at the back then responded, stepping next to the Noble Swordsman, Link, "I don't really have that much of an idea, but it has to be connected with what's been happening recently." Link nodded as the trio continued for a small distance, gazing at the nearby luminous stones that shone in the darkness before being silenced by the glow of Zelda's torch.

Zelda stepped forward as she reminded the group why they were down their in the first place, "People have been falling ill after coming into contact with the gloom drifting through these caverns. Though here it seems almost misty, and not concentrated enough to harm us..." As she stared into the further tunnels, she continued, "We'll keep going. With it coming up from beneath Hyrule Castle... We do not know what waits for us below, so we need to be ready for anything. Be on your guard Link, (Your/Name)."

You nodded as you gripped the hilt of the broadsword you'd brought to defend yourself with incase anything happened. Unlike Link, who carried the legendary blade on his back, you carried your own sword at your hip to make it easier to pull should the need arise. "Let's go solve this mystery." You said as the three of you continued.

After descending down another flight of stairs, you noticed a flash of light appear on Links back, coming from the sword he carried, The Master Sword. "Link!" You said, catching his and Zelda's attention, who also promptly noticed the glow too. "The Master Sword..." Zelda said as Link looked to the blade, "It must be sensing something! I knew we had reason for concern. Ever since the end of the Calamity, the castle has fallen into neglect. But I never could have imagined anything like these tunnels were hiding here." "We have to be careful as we move deeper." You said as the three of you approached a hallway of sorts, with Link now leading the charge.

Entering the hall to see a series of intrecut carvings decorating the halls, carved with a language you couldn't read yourself. Approaching a pillar, Zelda called out to the Silent Knight, "Link! Look here!" He then walked over to look behind you and Zelda as the two of you knelt down to inspect a knocked over pillar, "These are ruins from an ancient civilization. Wait... Something is written here."

Zelda began to look closer at the words as you shared a look with Link. Before she continued, "Might these ruins be... from the Zonai?" Zelda stood up as she pulled out a device she'd recently been given, a long thin plate of stone that was able to function like a camera. She then began snapping pictures of the environment as she spoke about it, "These carvings... I'm sure they're Zonai in origin. I've seen designs like this in my studies. The Zonai are said to have lived long ago, in the time of earliest legend. They possessed godlike powers and had a prosperous civilization in the sky. Many history books tell us about the Zonai, but none gives us the full picture. Much is still unknown about them."

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