Chapter 22 -÷- Clearing the Water = Part III

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"Off we go, Link! To the pillar of light! I shall blaze on ahead, my friend!" Sidon said as he flashed his smile to Link, who appreciated seeing the old Sidon once again. Sidon then ran off ahead, full of energy as Yona giggled at the scene, "It seems Sidon has finally put his doubts behind him and returned to his usual fearless self. I am so glad. All this time, he was clinging to regret over being unable to save his precious sister, Mipha... My poor, tormented Sidon. And to think he was unknowingly paralyzed from taking action because he feared losing me as well... Yet he has overcome this trial and placed his faith in me. At last, the Sidon I know and love has come back to me. Link... Visru... Please take good care of my dear Sidon. He is the sun to my sky."

Link nodded, promising to keep Sidon safe as he and Visru took the stairs to head to the reservoir. After passing the statue of Mipha at the top, the two looked out across the reservoir, noticing Sidon on a piece of land next to the pillar. While looking out, Link also took note of another geoglyph in the distance, shaped like a secret stone. He marked it on the Purah Pad as the two of them jumped from the platform and made their way over to Sidon.

Touching down onto the platform, Sidon turned to face the two. "So that is the clue for reaching the sky!" He said. As the three were standing around, a mystical chime Link recognized as similar to the one that played out with Yunobo. The three looked about, with Visru looking skyward as the chime faded from the wind. "Just now... What was that?" Sidon asked as Link said he had a suspicion of what it was, but that they could worry about it later. "Just where is that light coming from..." Sidon asked as he looked back to the pillar of light.

As the three looked at the water, seeing the light coming up from something at the bottom, Sidon then said, "I have an idea!" Before the two could object, Sidon lept high into the air and dove right into the murky water. He soon surfaced and began to swim around the pillar of light at an increasing speed, stirring the water with him. With every loop he made, the water turned faster and faster until a whirlpool began to form. "It's just as I thought! I can see an entrance at the bottom of the lake!" Sidon called out as he continued to swim, keeping the whirlpool spinning, "I'll make a path for you! Dive in!"

Link and Visru swiftly ran forward and jumped off the edge, splashing into the water and swiftly being sucked into the whirlpool. Soon after, they fell through and landed into a pool of water, swimming to a submerged staircase. As they got out, Visru noticed, "We're in the old Zora Waterworks. Let's have a look around." The two of them soon came to an area with a blocked off tunnel looking like it was ready to burst, and wooden platforms with a staircase far out of reach. Link quickly found that the surface of the wall was too slippery to climb up, so he instead opted to open the blocked tunnel, with a cascade of water comedically firing him back as the area filled up.

After swimming onto solid ground once more, Link took a bite of some food to restore the heath he lost from hitting a rock while being flown back. The duo continued through the old tunnels and soon came to the main area of the structure, with a similar pillar of light shining on an area that was currently unreachable. "In order to get up there, we have to flood the area by getting more water flowing into this place." Visru said as he pointed out more blocked tunnels. The two split up to begin work quickly. After a short walk through a series of tunnels, Visru came to a large blockade in the tunnel. He also took notice of the grate now behind him. He sighed as he muttered, "Guess I'm getting a bath." He then smashed the blockade open and was thrust up against the grate as the water rushed by him, filling up the area even more.

After shaking himself as dry as possible, Visru then took the now revealed ladder up and out of the tunnel, meeting up with Link at the now accessible activation port. This time, Visru held up his hand to the port, activating it as ripples began to come together on the structure above before they formed an orb of light, and it shot up and through the ceiling. They quickly left the waterworks after and saw a massive water fall coming from a great structure in the sky.

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