Chapter 21 -÷- Clearing the Water = Part II

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After learning of the need to find King Dorephan, Link and Visru returned to Zora's Domain to begin asking around for the whereabouts of the king. Asking around the settlement not often resulted in positive results, more of how he left to examine the sludge and hadn't returned yet. Taking a brief brake from doing so, the two of them went to check up on you. You still remained in a comatose state, but with bandaging now all over your wounds as the Zora healer kept at his work.

The two of them then stopped in the main court to talk. "It feels like we've asked about nearly everywhere." Visru said as he held his head in frustration. Link then suggested the two of them go investigate the throne room, since they hadn't yet checked there.

They soon walked in to find the children of the domain playing some sort of game, but they refused to go into further detail with the two of them around, so they quickly hid in clever spots. Link hid on the throne, mentally promising to apologize to King Dorephan as he listened.

"I did it...but...the sludge is too thick and gross... I have faaailed..." Said the Zora playing the King. "My king! King Dorephan! Um, pretty please... Um... Oh! What if you went to that one place to hide?" Said one playing a follower. "Hey! Come on, do it right! That didn't sound like him at all!" Said the first Zora. "I'm trying, but I can't play Muzu AND the monster... Not all by myself." Said the second kid. "Hey. I've been wondering forever..." The third kid piped up, "The secret spot where King Dorephan is hiding. What kind of place is it?"

"I know, right? I asked King Dorephan about it once." Said the first kid, "Um... He said it was a..."pristine sanctummy." Or something." "Pristine sanctummy... So I guess it's a spot with clear water? Somewhere you can get your tummy clean and stuff. But these days most of the water around the domain is all yucky because of the sludge..." The second kid theorized. "Oh, oh! I've heard there's clean water flowing somewhere between Ploymus Mountian and the domain! And there's supposed to be a secret entrance behind the waterfall too! How cool is that?!" The first kid said excitedly.

Link then took the opportunity to leave the room, understanding where to go. Meeting up with Visru outside the throne room, who'd also heard the entire thing, Link suggested that it would be best if he were to go alone, knowing the risk of Visru coming with him. "Alright. I'll head up to Mipha Court and wait for you there. Good luck." Visru said as he walked off, leaving Link to make the trek himself.

Quickly making his way to the first waterfall up to Ploymus mountian, he swam behind the watery wall and rather easily found himself in the Pristine Sanctum. Swimming up another waterfall, he flew up into the air and came face to face with King Dorephan, who was clearly injured and in pain, covered in marks made by the sludge. As he landed in front of him, the Royal Advisor to the king, Muzu, called out frantically, "Gah! Who approaches?!" Link told him to calm down as Muzu realized, "Is that you? So it is... Link! How did you find this place?! What cruel ploy are you plotting?"

Link was taken aback as he tried to calm Muzu down again, but was interrupted by King Dorephan, "Hold, my ever-loyal Muzu. If you speak in such a way without explanation, Link here will only be confused as to what's going on." Link turned to face the King and respectfully bowed as Dorephan groaned, "Hello, Link. It has been some time since we last spoke. I had received word that you went missing along with Princess Zelda and (Y/n). Why have you come here?" Link quickly summarized what happened beneath the castle as well as the state of both you and himself. "Well, well... To think that such a thing should transpire for the Hero of Hyrule, Princess Zelda, and their Compatriot..."

"You expect us to believe that Princess Zelda simply disappeared, just like that. "Muzu said as he snapped his fingers, "Do not sully pur ears with your lies! I saw Princess Zelda with my own eyes right after the phenomenon at Hyrule Castle took place!" "Calm yourself, Muzu." Dorephan said as he turned to Link, "Link's eyes betray no hint of deception. He remains a trusted friend of the Zora. There must be an explanation."

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