Chapter 6 -÷- Regional Phenomina

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As you walked through the woods that looked familiar, you tried to think about where you'd seen them before. The large trees with thick leaves covering ruins... ruins? Looking more at them, you noticed the similarity to zonai architecture. As the mist around you began to clear, you looked ahead to see the open mouth of a great dragon, with a blade placed right at the entrance. As you looked to it, you could almost swear there was a shining green light on the hilt of the blade. But a great gust of wind suddenly hit you and knocked you backward.


You lightly opened your eyes to see that you were back in the emergency shelter, with Link lightly shaking you awake. As you got up, you thought you could hear a small chuckle from Link as he cleared his throat and explained what you'd missed. Apparently, while you were asleep, Link had woken up earlier and gone to help Purah with the Skyview Tower, and after that was done, she'd informed him about some of the Regional Phenomina that had been spotted throughout Hyrule. You yawned as you padded down your hair before getting up and attaching all your gear before the two of you made your way out of the shelter and into Lookout Landing.

As you were thinking about what you'd dreamt last night, you were pulled from your thoughts as you could hear Josha, Purah's assistant, talking to a man you also recognized. The man who was the head of the Purah Pad development, Robbie exclaimed, "Ah, what a pleasant morning. Hey, you!" He then said as he pointed directly at you, "Is it true you've got the Purah Pad? Purah and I worked together on the design, but I'm the one who put it together, you know. We should've called it the Robbie Pad, technically speaking."

Josha then groaned as she exclaimed, "Come ON, Goggles! Are you even listening to me?" Robbie then turned to Josha as he said, Oh! Uh, yes! Sorry, you were saying?" Josha then repeated herself, "I was SAYING that I want to go investigate the Depths! Look, if you're not gonna listen to me, I'll go and jump into a chasm myself!" Robbie then stamped his foot on the ground as he said, "No way, no how! You can't do that! The Depths are far too vast for you to explore on your own. And we've only barely begun to look into them. I'd love to go gallivanting around down there too--who knows what wonders are at the bottom of those chasms! But no matter how wondrous they may be, it's far too dangerous for you. I'm not about to allow our young prodigy to go wandering around somewhere so unknown, so foul! If anything were to happen to Purah's favorite student, it'd be the end for me! The END!"

As you began to feel awkward for just standing and watching this argument, Josha said, "But I need more info on that figure! If we have more info on it, then it should help us better understand the Depths!" Finally, Link interviened by asking about the figure. Josha then turned to Link and said, "Oh, Swordsman! Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you out of the conversation. Let me get you up to speed. Our survey team brought back some artifacts from a journey into the Depths. One of them caught my eye." She then directed you and Link to a slate with engravings on it, "This piece of slate. Specifically, the image depicted on it. See that figure standing on two legs with one arm raised up? Well...I have a theory."

As Josha was explaining, Link turned to you and said how he'd catch you up on the details later, and how you should look into getting the two of you a pair of horses for the journey ahead. You nodded and slowly made your way out of the building, amazed how Josha didn't notice you slipping away. As you walked to the other side of Lookout Landing, you approached a mini stable that appeared to be under construction. "Um, hello there." You said as you walked up to a man who looked to be observing the horses that were currently in the half built stables. "Huh? Oh, sorry. But we're not open yet. We need to get this stable finished before we can open up." The man said as he gave a sorrowful look.

"Oh, it's alright." You said, "Do you know of any stables that might be nearby?" The man put a hand to his chin as he said, "Well, there's the New Serene Stable a bit northwest of here, then there's the Wetland Stable mostly east of here. I'd say you should go for the Wetland Stable if you're looking for distance." "Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me." You said as the man named Lester went on to describe his time before coming to Lookout Landing. "Be sure to bundle up if you're going to Hebra. The cold over there is intense." Lester finished. You once again thanked him as you turned around to look for Link.

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