Chapter 13 -÷- Unearthing the Fire = Part I

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Exiting Goron City, you and Link approached several minecarts and rails, with both of you quickly getting some carts on the tracks, and attaching fans to the back of them, and riding along the tracks to YunoboCo HQ. Hopping out, you noticed the two child gorons from earlier standing guard. As the two of you made your way over, Offrak said, "Hey, it's you again!" Slergo then chimed in, "The ones who know President Yunobo!"

"I'm at least glad to be acknowledged this time. Do you know where he is? We just wanna talk to him." You said as Link placed his hand on your shoulder to keep you in place. Offrak noticed the gesture and quickly said, "Uh--He's talking about marbled rock roast with the blond lady right now. No one's allowed to come in." Slergo then looked down as he said, "I don't really like that lady... But it's definitely the marbled rock roast's fault that everyone's been acting funny." Offrak agreed, "Yeah. President Yunobo said he got that weird mask he's wearing from the lady, too."

Slergo then explained the situation, "He was always so nice, but as soon as he started wearing it, he got real mean..." You sarcastically wanted to say 'no kidding' as Offrak spoke up, "Hey, you're friends with President Yunobo, aren't you? Y'know how he created YunoboCo for mining? It was supposed to be helpful for people who needed ore and stuff... But now it's just making things weird around here. If we let you pass, will you convince President Yunobo to make YunoboCo stop mining marbled rock roast?"

Link then said he'd see what he could do as the kids' faces lit up. "Slergo! Didja hear that?" Offrak said excitedly. "Sure did! Maybe they'll get President Yunobo to be himself again!" The two then looked at your outfits as Offrak said, "Oh, hey! It's hot in there. It'd be dangerous if you went in there like that." Slergo then suggested, "If you don't have fire-resistant equipment, you should go to HQ to get some." The two then pointed to the building as the two of you then quickly made your way over.

Using some of the rupees the two of you saved up, you managed to get your hands on two pieces of Flamebreakee Armor. Putting the heavy thing on, you groaned as you could see yourself becoming a steamed human in the armor with the heat. As the two of you walked back, Link suggested that the two of you switch out equipment for ones that wouldn't burst into flames upon going inside. You agreed as you then activated Tulin's Avater, feeling you might need it.

You took a deep breath as you and Link made your way inside the structure, with the two children cheering you on. Feeling the heat hit you, you immediately began to sweat. "Good Hylia." You said as you lowered your hood. You also noticed how Link was also sweating in the armor, but clearly wasn't as bothered by it. As the two of you turned the corner, you were shocked to see the same figure who looked like Zelda talking to Yunobo, and Link was clearly surprised, too, as you heard him Gasp.

Yunobo then rolled into a ball and shot himself into a segment of marbled rock roast, knocking a few chunks free. He then turned around and saw you and Link, with Offrak from behind, calling out, "Cut it out already, President Yunobo!" Slergo then also shouted, "We want you to take off that weird mask so you can go back to the President Yunobo we know and love!"

This seemed to hit Yunobo as his voice sounded softer as he said, "Boys..." But then the Zelda-like figure began to talk as the mask began to glow, and Yunobo clutched his head in pain. Then, as he opened his eyes, revealing they were now a bright pink, he angrily said, "Princess Zelda is right... Marbled...rock roast is good. It makes everyone...happy." As Yunobo began to charge up an attack, Link told you and the others to stay back as he took off running.

As he swiftly dodged out of the way of the attack, Yunobo hit the hard rock and was clearly disoriented. Link pulled out a Rusty Broadsword with a rock fused to the end as he apologized before smacking him upside the head. Link then noticed that the mask had slightly cracked from the impact, knowing what needed to be done. He gained some distance as the hit from him had reoriented Yunobo.

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