With the heat hitting your body as you and Link dove through the hole, dodging pillars of molten rock, your eyes went wide as the two of you came down into an area filled with darkness, lava barely even lighting up the area as the two of you opened your Paragliders, gliding towards an odd glowing root of sorts. Link explained that when these 'lightroots' were activated, they provided light down in the Depths, allowing you to travel without having to toss a brightbloom seed every few feet.
As Link walked into it and aimed his hand up into the air, an activation symbol appeared as light began to flow down the root, soon filling the area with a blinding white light until it died down enough for you to see. You also managed to spot Yunobo not far off from the lightroot. Walking up to him, he turned to you and said, "Who knew it would look like THIS inside Death Mountian. Now that I look closer, I see a whole lot of those red rocks... Why would Princess Zelda be down here with all this marbled rock roast..."
Before you could answer, another melodic chime let out through the cavern, catching Yunobo off guard as a voice spoke.
"Come... Come... to me..."
"I'm hearing things again! But...I mean, you heard that too, right Link, (Y/n)?" Yunobo asked as Link nodded. "I've heard something similar to this before..." You said, catching the attention of Link and Yunobo, "When I was helping Tulin with an issue in the Hebra Region, as we were investigating a blizzard, there was this melodic chiming, and a voice, telling us to come." "That sounds really weird..." Yunobo said as he could make out some sort of structure in the distance, "I think it was coming from thataway. Maybe this has to do with Zelda. I've got a heapin' pile of questions for her, so let's hurry!"
The three of you began to make your way through the sweltering heat and towards the building as more questions filled your head. After making your way up the hill and past more monsters, the three of you finally came to a ramp up to the mysterious building. "Is this where I heard the mysterious voice coming from?" Yunobo asked as he looked at the ancient architecture. "Just what is this place?" You asked as the three of you walked closer. Then Yunobo looked ahead and spotted the Zelda-like figure walking to the entrance, blocked by more red rocks. "Look! It's Princess Zelda! Please wait, goro! I gotta talk to ya!" Yunobo said as he ran ahead, but as he got to the entrance, the Zelda-like figure was nowhere to be seen, "What the-- Where did she go?!"
"I don't know. But let's see if we can investigate this place." You said as Yunobo blew open the door. Walking in, Yunobo pointed out a strange gate ahead. As you and Link ran to catch up with Yunobo, he called out, "Link! (Y/n)! Look there! It's Zelda, goro!" Through the gate, you could spot the Zelda-like figure as she stood on a pile of stone, which then began to float up and converge at the top of the blocked area, trapping her inside. "Not good, not good! Princess Zelda is stuck inside there!" Yunobo worried, "We gotta hurry and help her!" As Yunobo was wondering on how to get inside, you noticed a nearby activation port, with the same hand symbol now glowing.
You walked up to it and placed your hand on it to see what would happen as the symbol activated. A nearby teleportation pad activated as the gate attempted to come down, but it was held shut by five salamander like heads, holding chains in their mouths that kept the gate from opening. Link suggested that you might be on the right track, and how it could be possible to open up those mouths. Then, the melodic chime returned once more as the voice spoke out,
"Young, little rock... The gate you must pass through is firmly locked with five padlocks. You have the power to unlock them all. Do so, then the gate should open. Heed my words..."
"No denyin'. I heard it loud and clear this time. But who could it be?" Yunobo asked. "I've got my suspicious..." You said as you felt the Purah Pad vibrate in your pouch, with the map of the building now showing five glowing spots. "They told us how to open the gate, so they can't be that bad." Yunobo said, "So all we gotta do is unlock the five locks, and then we can get in there?" Link then responded that it sounded likely as the three of you began to look around for any clues.

Upheaval of the Past (Tears of the Kingdom Reader Insert)
FanfictionGoing with the princess of Hyrule and her chosen knight to investigate a mysterious gloom that reminds you of the calamity, you and Link are thrust into a brand new adventure that covers not just the surface, but the sky's and depths of Hyrule.