After viewing the vision through what looked like a ripple of water, you and Link were suddenly thrust back to reality as the droplet of water fell back into the pool and simply vanished. Then the two of you were startled by Impa who was standing right next to you as she said, "(Y/n)? Link? You look distracted. What's wrong?" After you explained the vision the two of you had, Impa continued, "Goodness! You say you had a vision? Saw mysterious figures? And then Princess Zelda?! Hmm... The geoglyphs, the literature, the Dragon's Tears...and now, a vision of the lost princess. What if these are all connected?"
"My thoughts exactly." You said as you looked to Link and back to Impa. "Let us continue to examine the geoglyphs. They may contain further clues that lead to Princess Zelda. You know, according to the literature, there is something to do with geoglyphs in the Forgotten Temple. The Forgotten Temple lies at the bottom of a canyon in Hebra. I think we should make our way there soon." "For now, let's get back on the road to Hebra." You said as Link nodded. Making your way back to the Stable and grabbing your horses, you began to make the trek to Hebra once more.
After a slight detour to a Skyview Tower where you received probably the biggest scare of your life, the two of you continued in silence for a while until you finally began to reach the snowy region of Hebra, and the cold set in. Since you had gotten it, you'd kept the Archaic Warm Greaves on you to help against any cold weather. As you looked to Link on the back of his horse, he used the fuse ability to attach a ruby onto a spare shield he held, saying how it should keep him warm. And amazingly, it did. The two of you kept going, galloping through the snow in hopes of finding another stable that could provide you with shelter until the storm subsided.
Soon after this thought, one did indeed come into view, the orange light of fire piercing the cold blues of the snowy tundra. As you and Link walked up and had your horses boarded, the owner of the Stable said, "If you're headed to Rito Village, you'd best go prepared. Ever since those ominous clouds appeared over the Hebra Mountains, Rito Village has been in a bad way. An intense blizzard has brought all their trade to a standstill. Rumor has it they don't have enough food and supplies to get by... Rito Village is to the west of here. You'll have no trouble getting there so long as you protect yourself from the cold!"
Both of you walked into the stable where you enjoyed the warmth, but you were faced with another dilemma. "Since we have no other real way to get cold resistant gear to get to Rito Village, it looks like one of us will need to take all of the cold resistant gear while the other stays here. We don't have enough for both of us if things get too cold." You explained as without a second thought, Link pulled out the shield he'd fused a ruby to. Even from the short distance, you could feel the heat radiating off of the shield, but you shook your head as you said, "No, I can't go. I'm not as skilled with weaponry as you are, Link. It'd be better if you took my Greaves and went yourself." Despite your attempt to make Link go, he had his mind set, and knowing you wouldn't be able to win an argument with Link, as you took the shield you said, "A master of all types of combat... Fine. You win Link, but when I get to Rito Village, I'm gonna get some gear to send to you so you can join me."
Link nodded as you placed the shield on your back, feeling your body temperature rise further. As you took the reins of your horse, you looked to Link as he once again nodded before you headed off into the cold weather. After taking a small amount of time to activate another Skyview Tower, You got back on your horse and continued on your way to Rito Village. As you were riding through the old Tabantha Village Ruins, you then picked out a few green shapes through the falling snow. Immediately you stopped your horse and had a closer look, and for sure, this was another geoglyph.
You quickly lit a campfire by your horse to keep it warm as you went to investigate, climbing up the mountains until you found a similar small pool containing a Dragon's Tear. As you looked over it, the jewelry on your hand began to light up once more. Lifting it, the pool then reversed into a droplet once more and a blinding flash of light consumed you.

Upheaval of the Past (Tears of the Kingdom Reader Insert)
FanficGoing with the princess of Hyrule and her chosen knight to investigate a mysterious gloom that reminds you of the calamity, you and Link are thrust into a brand new adventure that covers not just the surface, but the sky's and depths of Hyrule.