You sighed as you layed your head on the pillow of a spare bed in the house you and Link had bought in Hateno Village a while prior, just now noticing how exhausted you were as you quickly passed out.
You were just about to see a dream when you felt someone lightly shaking you. Opening your eyes slowly, you were met with Link, lightly telling you to get up. "What is it?" You asked as you tried to cover your face up with the blanket. However, Link suddenly ripped the blanket off of you as he told you to get up more aggressively. "Alright! Alright! I'm up, just give me my blanket back!" You said as you got up, yawning as Link placed the blanket back onto the bed. He soon left after informing you that the three of you were going to see about a mayoral election? You shook your head as you got your travel gear on and collected your weapons.
Walking out of the small room under the stairs, you noticed Visru, sitting at the table in the middle of the room, inspecting the Purah Pad. You could hear him mumbling to it as he was lightly shaking it and interacting with the screen. "What are you up to?" You asked as he suddenly jumped out of the chair while tossing the Purah Pad in the air. Next thing you knew, he was on the ground as another version of him came out of his sword and caught the Pad, handing it to you.
Visru got up as he dusted himself off, saying, "Nothing, I was just trying to figure out how that device of yours works." You were about to ask him more as he then said, "But we've got to get going. The mayoral election is happening soon." He then walked out of the door as Link held it open for the two of you. He gave you a confused glance as you simply shrugged, placing the Purah Pad in your pouch before the three of you walked across the bridge and into the town, where the most of the villagers had begun to gather.
Quickly finding a good spot on the outside of the crowd, you looked up to the candidates running, Reede and Cece. The woman who'd been placed in charge of the whole thing, Sophie, then timidly spoke, "And now, without further ado, let's have each of our candidates for mayor say a few words." She turned to Reede, who quickly became nervous as he tried to compose himself and started, "Um... Er... Hi. I'm Reede. I... I believe the heart of our village is its pastoral culture. We've built a close-knit, self-sufficient lifestyle here in Hateno, and I don't want to see us lose that. My plan is to strengthen our community with new local specialties, starting with our brand-new Hateno Cheese!"
The crowd was enamored as you were confused yourself, leaning towards the two next to you and asking, "What have you two been up to?" Visru leaned closer as he whispered, "Just watch and listen." You crossed your arms in anticipation as you looked up to Cece, who began her speech.
"I am world-renowned Cece, Hyrule's premiere fashion designer. But you knew that, of course!" She started as you rolled your eyes, "Together, we can turn this backwater village into Hyrule's go-to destination for all things stylish. Vegetables don't make the world go round. It's glamor that rakes in the cash! And nobody knows glamor like me, darlings!" Another large portion of the crowd was also enamored as Reede suddenly burst out, "Fashion comes and goes! Your style is trendy now, but it'll be over soon, and then where will you be?!"
Cece then turned to him and retorted, "Nonsense! It's trends that shape the world, not the other way around." You were about to suggest breaking the two up when out of nowhere, Sophie uncharacteristically screamed, "That's... THAT'S ENOUGH!" Catching everybody off guard, even Link and Visru. "Sophie?!" Cece asked in bewilderment. Sophie didn't give her or Reede a chance to continue as she said, "Both of you are just arguing for more of what you like--not what's best for Hateno! You can't fool me, Cece. You've loved simple, plain things forever, including the vegetables of Hateno Village! I know for a fact you hide in the silo at night to snack on vegetables!"
Cece nearly toppled over in surprise as you caught Link smirking in the corner of your eye, "Moi?! Wh... Wherever did you get such a curious notion?" Suddenly, Reede's wife called out from nearby, "And you, Reede! Your secrets out too. I know why you've been secretly studying Cece's designs in the shed. You think there's something there you can use to get the youth to care about vegetable farming." Reede was equally as dumbstruck as you saw Visru place his hands on his hips, "Now who went and told you that?"
He then dropped his shoulders as he turned to Cece and said, "Cece... I can't deny any of it. It should have made me happy that you came in and livened up the village." Cece hung her head as she responded, "No, Reede. It is I who should be ashamed. My childish pride would not allow me to admit the truth."
She then looked out to the village as she continued, "The trends and style I made my name on are built on the foundation of traditional culture that our forebears worked for. Please...forgive me, everyone." "I'm sorry too." Reede said as he faced the crowd.
Cece turned to her sister as she said, "Sophie? I hereby withdraw my candidacy." The crowd gasped in surprise as Reede stopped Cece, "Cece, wait. I'd be a fool to pretend you're not the reason our village is flourishing. I don't want to deny you your due." A smile crepped onto Cece's face as she said, "Did I hear you're working on new vegetables to attract the youth of today? That sounds like a Cece-worthy endeavor."
Sophie giggled as she said, "Hehe, There's nothing wrong with asking if you can help, you know." Reede turned to the crowd as he said, "People of Hateno! We've come to a decision! The best way to keep Hateno Village vibrant is to work together to combine traditional culture with new ideas!"
The crowd then began to cheer in celebration as the group slowly dispersed. The four of you, Link, Visru, and Lasli soon regrouped as you turned to the two, "Okay. I know you two had something to do with that. What happened?" Link then explained how he had helped Cece and Sophie with things for the election and done a bit of sneaking about, while Visru had helped Reede remember the recepie for Hateno Cheese and also discovered what he was planning on doing. Lasli then chimed in, realizing something, "What if them learning that information about each other had gone south? What would have happened then?!"
Link simply shrugged as Lasli grew ever more concerned, while you couldn't help but chuckle, "Link, you are a harbinger of anarchy." Link scratched the back of his head as Sophie and Cece then approached the four of you. Cece then said, "Sophie and Clavia told me what you two did on our behalf. Thanks to you, Hateno Village is thriving once more. We ought to reward such fine work, hmm? Come to Ventest Clothing when you have a moment." As the two of them began to walk off, Lasli suddenly said, "Wait!"
She then ran up to the two of them as she began talking softly, leaving the three of you to wait as she talked with the two. The three of you stood in anticipation before eventually, Cece put a hand on Lasli's shoulder and nodded. As the three began walking away, Lasli looked back to the two of you and gave an affirmative thumbs up before waving you goodbye. The three of you reciprocated as they walked off.
"Well, I'll say." You began, "This has been a nice brake from the last few days." Link agreed, saying that he enjoyed a break from all the fighting. "But we can't forget what we need to do. We have to stop the Demon King before he destroys Hyrule." Visru said as he walked ahead of the two of you. Link also agreed as he reminded the group that Zora's Domain was the closest to their current location, so it would be best to head there.
You and Visru agreed as the three of you got back to your horses and hopped on once more, saying farewell to Hateno and making headway for Lanayru.
I'm back!
I hope y'all enjoyed this little interlude to the usual story. While I took a while to finish it, I really enjoyed the feeling I came out with it. Just a small, slice of life story in between the Upheaval.
I can't wait to keep on writing and hope you'll be along for where this story heads next.
-Until next time, Zion

Upheaval of the Past (Tears of the Kingdom Reader Insert)
FanfictionGoing with the princess of Hyrule and her chosen knight to investigate a mysterious gloom that reminds you of the calamity, you and Link are thrust into a brand new adventure that covers not just the surface, but the sky's and depths of Hyrule.