P̳r̳e̳-̳t̳r̳a̳u̳m̳a̳ KEL headcanons

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- Calling it right now he tried to be like HERO. He at some point wanted to do everything that big brother did but obviously couldn't. 

- He'd try to be charming but would fail miserably, he wanted to go to highschool but couldn't, he'd try to cook and bake but couldn't and most likely accidentally set something on fire. Poor kid could hardly do anything that his brother did. :( 

- He was heartbroken when he found out that he couldn't be HERO, don't worry, he moved on pretty quickly, especially after HERO told him that he'd much rather hangout with KEL then another him. 

- The same applies to MARI. He wanted to be her too. But then he remembered she could play piano and he definitely couldn't so he gave up on that one pretty quickly.

- He was a troublesome kid who liked to cause problems, especially for AUBREY and HERO. He didn't find it fun to tease, pick on, or bug SUNNY, BASIL and MARI. He got a good giggle whenever he bugged HERO, as he knew that inside HERO probably found his antics funny... He hoped...

- He loved the reactions AUBREY gives him when he pokes fun at her, and he finds it even funnier to see what responses she would come up with. It was a game between the two of them.

- Likes to tease AUBREY about her crush on SUNNY the most, since it really gets to her. Though he usually ends up with a bruise afterward and is crying to HERO.

- HERO gets AUBREY to apologize but definitely tells KEL that he shouldn't bug her so much and that she had a good reason to be upset at him. 

- Likes to play tag with MARI! He does feel a little bad when her knee starts to hurt though... 

- He likes to climb on HERO, since HERO is so much taller than him it's pretty easy on HERO yet a challenge for KEL! 

- HERO doesn't really like it, he says that it reminds him of "a spider crawling up on me". This just makes it funny to KEL, he usually likes to tap his finger against his brothers back to imitate spiders while he climbs, loves it when HERO totally freaks from this.

- He also likes to climb on his dad who doesn't mind as much as HERO! He usually just ruffles KEL's hair, which KEL hates, because he finds it soooo embarrassing.

- Jokingly flirts with AUBREY, SUNNY, and BASIL (totally not because he sees HERO and MARI do it... P.S. IT IS) 

- Enjoys BASIL's confused, yet flustered, yet embarrassed, yet shy, yet disgusted, yet happy, yet excited, yet angry reaction the most. 

- Likes to mock HERO and MARI's relationship.

- Often encouraging them to kiss along with AUBREY.

- Lets out a mocking "awwww" whenever HERO and/or MARI are worried about each other. 

- Secretly wishes someone would worry about him like that

- He definitely worries for AUBREY in the same way HERO and MARI worry about each other. Doesn't have a crush on her though.

- When at BASIL's house he points at all the different plants and goes "what's this one?" "what's that?" "Ohh! This one looks cool! What's it called?!"

- Probably has diagnosed ADHD.

- He likes to show MARI and HERO things he's found. HERO usually gags if it's a bug, or if literally anything is covered in dirt, or is soaked, he'll gag. MARI's always "Ooh cool find KEL! :D"

- If he finds something he really likes MARI and/or BASIL will help him keep. If it's a bug or something MARI will buy one of those little Dollar Store bug enclosures and help him put things inside of it like leafs, grass and sticks. 

- SUNNY will also join in if it's not a spider, MARI will teach SUNNY a thing or two about bugs and nature if he helps. 

- KEL always lets SUNNY come up with the name for the bug. Though SUNNY usually only names the spiders scary. 

- He has a few of the cheap, crappy enclosures outside in his backyard. HERO reminds him to check if the bugs are dead or not so that if they are they can use the enclosure for other bugs.

- Holds funerals for the bugs. 

- If it's something that's covered in dirt or sand or something of the sort BASIL will help him wash it off and clean it.

- If it's something that can be named KEL will let BASIL name it, though BASIL always says "No! It's yours KEL! You should name it!"

- KEL will keep bugging BASIL until he names it. But to cheer him up after KEL always goes "Me and (name)! Adventure buddies forever! Me and him/her will go on so many adventures together! Thank you BASIL!"

- Is constantly asking his mom for snacks for his friends. He knows MARI and HERO could just make them but he knows that sometimes it must get tiring. His mom always makes little sandwiches with a side celery and cucumber. Maybe apple slices as well. 

- Tells HERO and MARI that it's just because he was feeling really hungry and couldn't wait for them to make food. But MARI knows that he really only wanted to help out and so she teases him for being embarrassed to help.

- KEL hates it, how dare she >:(

- He's not actually all that mad though, he's just over dramatic like that

-  He likes to share his food with SUNNY! SUNNY doesn't eat all that much and KEL doesn't know why, so he hopes that by offering his food to SUNNY he'll eat more. 

- Other than MARI he's one of SUNNY's biggest encouragement providers, often trying to get SUNNY out of his comfort zone and try new things! But SUNNY usually only freaks out and runs to his sister. KEL can only pout at this.

- Has successfully convinced BASIL that he indeed has a watermelon for a head.

- Likes to go "You have a spider in your hair!" to HERO and AUBREY. He laughs when he sees them freak out. Though AUBREY always does it back to him, which KEL says is not at all fair.

- Doesn't like it when his brother teases or bugs him back, which happens a lot.

- "KEL screams like a girl!" Is what AUBREY likes to tease him about, and he finds that one to be the most embarrassing. 

- Is jealous of his brother sometimes, because HERO seems to be good at everyone which KEL doesn't find fair at all. 

- Often has scrapes and bruises all over himself, he seems like the type of kid to trip a lot because he's clumsy. 

- Definitely a scab picker, which both his mom and brother lecture him not to do. But he can't help it!

YIPPEE I finished the first headcanons! I'm happy with how they all came out! ^^

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