MARI headcanons

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- My mom first of all.

- A big thing I believe for MARI is that she's on the autism spectrum. She's not on the severe side but is still on the spectrum.

- When she was younger she didn't really know what was considered to be the 'societal normal'. She was too honest, often not understanding why people would be upset at her if she told them something that was her just trying to help them.

- She didn't really know what was wrong with being completely, unfiltered, nor did she understand why people were mad at her when she didn't act like she cared for what they like if she didn't like it. 

- Her parents tried to explain it to her but she didn't really understand.  

- When she met HERO she immediately took interest in him as she saw him as perfect, he just seemed to do everything right, which wasn't necessarily a good thing, but she didn't know that!

- HERO helped her out with understanding what was considered right and wrong, telling her what was the best thing to do in certain situations.  

- She definitely copied HERO's personality as best as she could, seeing him as who she wanted to be and since everyone liked him he had to be doing something right!

- HERO was one of MARI's biggest inspirations growing up, along with her dad!

- Whenever MARI needs help with anything she doesn't ask for that help often as she copied and grew up with HERO's perfectionist personality, making her hardly ever need help as she's just made herself good at everything. 

- But if she really needs help she'll go to HERO or her dad! Though preferably HERO first, since she's just always felt closer to him.

-  The life lessons she teaches mostly KEL and AUBREY, but sometimes SUNNY, and BASIL were all things her parents tried to teach her. 

- She hates not being able to play that many sports and games with KEL and AUBREY, she really wants to. Her favorites are to play tag with KEL and catch with AUBREY. 

- She likes to tease HERO, she finds his reactions hilarious and adorable. But she also likes to protect him from teasing. 

- Likes to tease BASIL, SUNNY, and KEL as well! But mostly HERO!

- Doesn't really get why SUNNY is so quiet but she doesn't really mind, she tries to encourage him to be more open with people!

- The same applies to BASIL, she doesn't really understand why he's so shy but she'll still encourage him to the best of her abilities!

- Really likes hanging out with KEL, she sees her younger self in him and is wanting to help him learn how to treat people nicely and respectfully!

- Took up baking and cooking because she wanted foods and sweets that her parents weren't making because she's a picky eater, it ended up becoming a hobby she enjoys! 

- She's very creative! Not only does she enjoy music and the deeper meaning behind it but she also enjoys poetry and writing! 

- MARI has a hyperfixation on music, mainly the piano but a few other instruments as well. 

- KEL likes to make fun of her for this which is usually responded with HERO shushing KEL and apologising to MARI over and over again as he tells her "HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND!"  

- Helpless romantic, like, this girl loves herself a romantic novel and is always replacing the two love interests with her and HERO, she'd never tell him that though.

- This is also why she likes waltz! Love interests always seem to waltz in a ballroom together, and she hopes one day that'll be her and her love interest. 

- She likes to waltz with MEWO. Though MEWO's usually very unimpressed. 

- MARI likes to impress everyone with her piano playing skills, which is one of her main motivations for playing it.

- Very mischievous, loves to pull pranks. Will help KEL or AUBREY if they want to pull a prank on someone.

- Used to prank HERO and lot when they were younger just to see how he reacted as a learning experience. But ended up finding it funny and not learning from it at all.

- Likes to have girl talks with AUBREY, such as talking about boys. Encourages AUBREY to wait a little longer before getting into a relationship, saying that "You're too young."

- Paints her nails purple and paints AUBREY's nails pink. Will convince HERO to let her paint his nails too, though he won't act happy about it. She'll either paint his nails black or blue.

- Will also try to paint SUNNY, BASIL, and KEL's nails. SUNNY and BASIL don't really mind and will let her if she wants to, but KEL will put up a fight and argue that "It's for girls!"

- Leaves little sticky notes on HERO's side of his shared bedroom. Usually just words of encouragement or little poems she wrote about him.

- She also leaves snacks in HERO and KEL's room. But she hides them so that KEL doesn't find them.

- She's scared to mess up in front of anyone, but mostly HERO. She wants to impress him, not humiliate herself in front of him, HERO wouldn't really care though.

- When she does mess up she totally freaks, HERO always tries his best to comfort her, and he's usually able to. 

- Tries to get SUNNY to eat more because he's not eating enough. Will try and sway him with rewards.

-  MARI loves to read SUNNY stories before bed, since he's usually sleeping in her bed anyway. She also likes to read BASIL stories. 

- She also likes to remind BASIL everyday about how important he is to her and everyone else!

- MARI is a little upset at the fact that they had to build a treehouse in their backyard as she doesn't like bringing HERO over because she's heard her dad talk about how he doesn't like HERO to her mom.

- She's tried to explain to him that HERO's a good guy who helped her learn, but wouldn't really get through to him.

- She's a totally neat freak, just like HERO.

- Hopes that one day she'll be able to completely understand why people are the way they are without HERO's help.

- MARI gets frustrated easily, though she's learned how to hide her anger and just smile through it.

- She was OVERJOYED when SUNNY said he wanted to play violin to play with her! She was practically bouncing on her toes. 

- BASIL and MARI point out plants together when the group is walking somewhere, MARI is always interested in what BASIL has to say about plants. She learns so much from him!

- Always gives SUNNY a hug when they separate from each other, even though he doesn't really like to touch people.   

- He'll make an exception for MARI.

- MARI wanted to be the one who dyed AUBREY's hair! She also wanted to teach KEL how to put his hair up! 

- She never got the time to do so before her death... 

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