P̳r̳e̳-̳t̳r̳a̳u̳m̳a̳ HERO headcanons

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- HERO is the actual perfectionist who's a total try hard, he just rubbed off on MARI. 

-  I know a lot of people see him as trans man (FtM) but personally I think he's a cis man. But if you headcanon him as a trans man that's okay too! :)

- Likes to do chores for his mom, because he's definitely a mama's boy.

- He definitely finishes assignments before they're even due, MARI and BASIL often tell him to go a little easy on himself.

- HERO likes to pick out clothes for the next day! It makes him feel ready to go as soon as he wakes up!

- An early morning type of guy, that's when he performs his best.

- Loves to drink tea, hasn't dabbled in the art of coffee yet. His favorite teas are green tea, peppermint tea, and rose tea.

- HERO likes helping SUNNY, AUBREY, BASIL and KEL with homework. BASIL being the easiest to help and KEL being the hardest.

- Wouldn't be surprised if he often has to pick up KEL because KEL will try and run away from him when getting lectured. He probably sometimes picks up AUBREY, SUNNY, and BASIL just because he's so used to picking up KEL.

- BASIL just gives him a smile, not really caring.

- SUNNY doesn't like it and will tap HERO's arm to remind him that he is indeed not KEL.

- AUBREY's confused, tilting her head. She doesn't really mind though.

- KEL hates it, obviously. He tries to escape by kicking, biting, licking, really anything that'll get HERO to let go. It never works and he gets in lots of trouble.

- He acts innocent but I know better. He's a teenage boy, no teenage boy has innocent thoughts. But he acts as child friendly as he can for the younger kids. 

- Will chuckle if he hears something that could be taken out of context. Likes to tell MARI what he heard. MARI just rolls her eyes, lightly hitting his arm.

- HERO definitely tries to stay more in touch with his culture than I think KEL would. He's just that type of guy.

- He's considered playing an instrument before but decides that he'll leave that to SUNNY and MARI.

- Random one but he almost always sleeps on his back. What a monster...

- He's always encouraging MARI to try her hardest! Usually telling her that great things will happen if she does! 

- Also tells her that if she needs a break sometimes that's okay too! He just wants her to be as happy as possible!

- HERO likes to listen to AUBREY vent as he's aware that home life for her isn't the best. She always tells him about her mother and how she wishes that her mom wouldn't be so mean. 

- He always hugs her for about 10 - 13 minutes. Reassuring her that she has them if she ever needs anything at all.

- HERO is very cuddly, he loves cuddles. Doesn't really care who he cuddles with but he prefers his mom and MARI!

-  I get the feeling he very rarely but still does read fanfiction. He finds it weird but strangely interesting. He might even invite MARI to read with him.

- Plays games with KEL and AUBREY, but absolutely loses to them. Always ask for a moment to catch his breath. 

- Likes to play catch with KEL and hide and seek with AUBREY. He's actually pretty good at hide and seek, always giving AUBREY tips so that she can beat KEL, SUNNY, MARI, and BASIL.

- HERO often accepts jobs such as at Gino's and Fix It. He likes having money on him at all times just in case he needs it for something.

- I can see him being very cheap. He often dislikes spending a lot of money and will avoid spending money all together as often as he can.

- He will spend money on KEL and MARI more than other people, but that's just because that's who he's closest too!

- He does actually have a slightly rebellious side but it's often not put on display because he's a much bigger wuss then he is rebellious. 

- Somehow always ends up being the first one to fall asleep at sleepovers. He's a very eepy guy. 

- Has definitely woken up to a maker mustache before, as well as other drawings on his face. He usually immediately knows it's KEL but pretends he doesn't know just to make KEL happy.

- Usually the one who ends up walking HECTOR. His parents don't trust KEL to do it and they're always too busy so he's always doing it for them.  

- MARI often tells HERO that he needs to start standing up for himself more as she thinks he doesn't do it enough. 

- HERO was the one to tell KEL that Santa wasn't real. Felt horrible when KEL burst into tears and dressed up as Santa later that night just so KEL would be happy again and tell HERO the next morning that Santa is real.

- SUNNY usually sleeps in MARI's bed when he has a nightmare, it's similar with HERO and KEL. KEL usually sneaks into HERO's bed after having a bad dream. 

- Sometimes HERO will move himself into KEL's bed if he's had a bad dream because he thinks that maybe there's something like a spider around and need KEL to protect him. 

- KEL finds this hilarious.

- HERO at first got worried for MARI when he first saw her stimming, he thought that it meant something really really bad and got super duper worried. 

- MARI and SUNNY's mom reassured him that it was just her own way of dealing with things such as being overstimulated. HERO's reaction was something along the lines of :0.

- He still likes to check up on her though! Make sure she knows he's there just in case she needs him!

- HERO always tells KEL what he's learned in school and KEL's always like "Booooooooring!" HERO thought it was interesting...

- He's repulsed by KEL's grades, and almost has a heart attack when he sees them. He cannot believe that someone could somehow be failing every class except gym.

- He likes ruffling peoples hair, mostly because his dad does it to him.

- KEL's always angry when HERO ruffles his hair. He cannot believe that he did such a thing!

- AUBREY is mostly confused as no one's ever done that to her before but she finds it fun!

- SUNNY hates it, and so HERO doesn't do that to him. 

- BASIL likes it! He's happy that he's close with his friends!

- MARI doesn't like that it messes up her hair... But she'll let him do it, because she loves him.

- HERO likes to get gardening tips from BASIL, HERO wants to plant his own flower one day! BASIL supports that idea 100%!

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