Idk what to call this

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Y/n pov.
Me Sasha Anne and Marcy were driving to my mom and dads house because I left something very important to me, after 2 minutes we arrived. I got at the car. "All of you stay here do not move ok!" I say doing thumbs up. They nodded, I smile and run to the door. I knock and wait, I hear an unlock and see her drunk face. "Why are you here?" My mother says. "I left something can I come in to get it." I say. She rolls her eyes and opens the door, to revel my dad in the couch looking like a fat cheeseburger(bro 😂). I come in and look at my dad. "Move and don't look at me mistake." He said throwing a beer at my face. It hit me in the face as I fell. I hold in my tears and get up as I go to my old room, I look around for it and I see a old picture of us. We looked so happy, I smile as tears come down my eyes. I wipe them and continue to look for it. There were all my toys, I can fix these, I found an old drawing.

I smile as I take it, I keep looking when I found some old jewelry they look broken up but i leave it here, then after I'm done I take the things I'm keeping and walk out of there

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I smile as I take it, I keep looking when I found some old jewelry they look broken up but i leave it here, then after I'm done I take the things I'm keeping and walk out of there. "Your a mistake! "Your a nobody without us!" "You made a big mistake!!" My dad said throwing another bottle at my face causing me fall again as blood poured down my face tears, I got up and ran out of there. I put the things in the truck and got in the car. "What happened to your face?!?" Marcy shouted. I cover my ears. "My dad.." I say as my vision gets blurry. "Anne can we go now she needs help!" Sasha says. Anne starts the car, and leaves. Marcy takes my shirt off leaving me in my bra, and covers my head. "It hurts." I say. "Shh it's ok.." Marcy says. My vision, gets blurry. "Stay awake if you don't stay awake, you'll lose consciousness!" Marcy said pressing the wounds a little hard. I groan as I keep my eyes open.
1 minute later, we arrive and we run to the house to treat it, after they treat it we go to our room and cuddle.
Also from 2022 so it's a year old.

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