Cringe couple

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Y/n pov.

Anne Sasha Marcy and I were walking around the neighborhood, doing whatever when we saw a couple. We stopped and hide behind a wall. "Sorry puppy but daddy has to go.." he say's scratching his neck. I crackle quietly. "B-but d-daddy y-you can't go.." she says touching the foment of his pants. "Princesses come with me.." he says. They looked in each other's eyes and kiss. I fall and laugh on the floor, they stop and notice me. "Get her!" They run after me. I get up and run for dear life. "Y/N" Marcy says running after me. "WAIT!" Anne and Sasha say running after us. Marcy almost falls and catches herself, she gets up to me and picks me up running. Anne and Sasha caught up to us. We ran for dear heavens. "Grrr come back her rats! I'll make you our another kitten!" The ugly man says. We run to the house as we run inside and lock the door, we hear banging until it stop I look at the window and see them gone, we sigh in relief, "let's go to sleep I'm tired." I say as I flop onto the bed, "yeah.." they flop on to the bed next to me as I slowly start to fall asleep.
Also from 2022 a year ago.

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