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Y/n pov.
I look at them setting a plan when I saw something in the corner. I look confused. "Anyone sees that?" I say pointing, the figure disappears. "There's nothing there y/n?.." it appears again. "There!" They quickly look but it disappeared again, "y/n just get some rest your possibly stressed." Sasha ordered. I nod going down the basement. I lay down thinking, I hear a noise and look to see the figure again. I scoot back. "Hello?!" I shout. It comes closer. My eyes widen. I start to cry hard, "who's there?!" I hear footsteps coming threw the basement door, it disappears infront of me. "Y/n! Are you ok?" I look at everyone. "I swear I'm not seeing things! I swear I promise on my life I saw it!" They look at me worried. "Y/n please your just stressed pls get some sleep." They look at me worried. I nod wiping my tears. They go upstairs nd close the door. I lay on the thin bed and close my eyes, but I still see the same figure haunting me, I wake up as I breathe heavily. I look to see at the side. I see the figure walking to me woth this nasty and smelly smile. I run up stairs into the basement door. But I suddenly get pulled by my leg, the pressure hunter like shit I pulled but it was hard. "HELP!" I cry. "PLEASE!!" I hear footsteps, I see Sasha Anne the planters and some other random frogs. They look at me in horror, they grab my hand and pull. The hand was to strong, it pulled me further, "HELP HELP" I kept screaming and yelling. They try to pull but it was to late, it yanks me closing the basement door.

And done. Hehheehheheeh what a cool draft

Sashannarcy x reader one shots(FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now