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A couple days later Douma and Akaza sat quietly by a tree together, just enjoying the soft chirping of crickets and the cool summer air. The silence dragged on for a couple minutes before Douma spoke up.

"Hey, Akaza-dono?" he asked, turning to the shorter male.

"Hm?" Akaza responded.

"I wanted to know... How do you...feel about me? What am I to you?" Douma asked quietly.

Akaza flushed a deep red, not sure how to respond and where this question had come from. "U-Uh-! I- Uh- Y-you're a... I feel- Uh-" he stammered, blushing even more—somehow—as he struggled to think of a response.

Meanwhile, Douma was loving the others reaction, although feeling exactly how Akaza was acting, himself, inside. He wasn't sure what it was, though, he still wasn't quite used to these emotions and he had trouble figuring this one out. He smiled as Akaza turned, trying to cool himself off, and decided to let the lower ranked demon think about it first before answering.

After a couple minutes, Akaza turned back and said, mostly calm now, "I think of you as...a...friend?" He looked pained to say that, but the reason for that was unclear to the blond.

"Hm, really?" Douma asked skeptically. Not because he knew how Akaza really felt about him, but because he saw the way Akaza was hesitant and even looking regretful about saying it. Besides, he'd always hated him, so, there's no way he would see him as a friend. Akaza was just kinda like that! He wanted to spare Douma from telling him he actually hated him, because of his kind heart.


What would the blush mean then? And the fact that Akaza no longer demanded him to leave? Was there something else—something Douma hadn't caught on to, yet? Or maybe he had, but just didn't realize it. Whatever it was, it was confusing him greatly and he didn't like it.

"Y-Yeah! Of course, why wouldn't I...?" Akaza mumbled, trying desperately to not show any signs of anything else. He didn't like this, not in the slightest. But he decided to ignore the feeling, he wasn't falling for this idiot of a demon!

"Oh. Okay..." Douma sighed. He decided to believe Akaza for now, after all, he did know more about emotions than Douma. But even so, he felt something in his throat, like something blocking him from breathing. What was this? Was it emotions or had something happened to him? He felt tears build in his eyes and he realize he must be crying. But why?

Akaza heard soft hiccuping from beside him and he turned to face his companion. To his surprise, Douma was crying. Akaza was a little frantic, unsure if it was his fault. "Are you okay? What happe-..." he paused. Why did he care? Oh nevermind that, he would deal with it later, right now, Douma was in need of comfort.

"I... I don't know..! It feels hard to breathe, and... Akaza-dono, help me, I don't like these emotions..!" Douma cried, burying his face in striped demons shoulder.

Akaza searched his head for something to say, but he didn't know what. So he just placed a hand on the blond's back and moved it in comforting circles. He pulled him into a tight embrace, whispering words of comfort into his ear. Someone long ago had did this to him before. Someone he barely remembered.

{.....yet another short chapter


*goes into hiding*

anyways, so last night I went thru the rest of the story w/ my sister and annoyed her to death with different ideas sooo
i have lots
imma pause the Hashira GC for a little to write more of this because of my inactivity with this ;-;

(literally the last time I posted here was like 2 months ago i forget lol)
So! Time to go back to writing <3}

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