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Douma was so excited to tell Hibiki that the two were dating. He almost had forgotten about the bet. When he remembered, he paused and decided against telling Hibiki. Because Hibiki might just straight up tell Douma that he should break up with Akaza now that the bet was over, and he didn't want this to end yet. He would tell Hibiki the day the bet ended.

He skipped along the path he walked on, in search for a field. Eventually he came across a wide open field covered in flowers of all shapes, colors, and sizes. The variation and the smell almost made him faint but he just dove straight into it and started picking some, looking for the flowers that would best represent Akaza. In the end he was left with a bundle of pink, red, gold, and blue flowers, which he tied at the stems with a long leaf he'd found amidst the flowers.

He happily presented him to his new lover who laughed and took the bundle. "Oh so you're going straight into this already, hm?" Akaza teased, holding the flowers carefully. He actually liked them, they were pretty and the excitement on Douma's face as he handed them to him was actually, kind of, maybe.. adorable. Not that he would ever admit that. "Thank you, though. I hope you weren't expecting something back because I don't have anything with me right now."

"It's okay!! Being with you is better," Douma grinned.

"Oh shut up, you better not act all corny, okay?" Akaza rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, though he was smiling.

"Okkayy," Douma whined. "Akaza-dono, what do I call you?" he inquired, tilting his head.

"Just Akaza is fine. And if you do give me any other pet name please keep it to when it's only us," Akaza ordered.

"Yes, okay!!" the blond smiled, hugging his boyfriend. "So I can call you anything, Just Akaza?"

"Sure- But only between us. Wait- I DIDN'T MEAN THE 'JUST' PART," Akaza grumbled.

Douma burst into laughter while Akaza swatted at him, saying it wasn't even funny. "Alright, alright- I'll call you.. Hmm.." Douma thought, tapping his lip. "Honey? Your eyes look like the color of honey! Ooh!! I once heard these two humans calling each other something like, uh.. "Kitten"?"

Akaza jolted when he said that, and turned to look at Douma. "Excuse me what-?"

Douma nodded. "Kitten, Puppy, Bunny, I think? A lot of animals, for some reason," he shrugged.

Akaza inspected his Douma's face and said, "You.. when, where, and why did you hear this again?"

"Oh! This couple wanted to stay at my cult place and before I ate them I went to spy on them and they were calling each other that. Though it sounded like they were fighting, so maybe they were insults?" the blond suggested.

Akaza groaned and shoved Douma playfully. "Okay, moving on!! No to those.." he mumbled, though he wondered how they would sound on Douma's lips.. Directed to him.. "And no to Honey as well, it's weird," he said.

"Baby??" Douma suggested.

"No," Akaza glared.

"Okay, okay- Hm.. strawberry shortcake??" Douma said excitedly.


"But it's cute!! Like.. you're my strawberry shortcake!!" Douma insisted.

"No way!!" Akaza huffed. "It's weird!!"

"But I heard this one man call his wife that! Are you saying she's weird?" Douma smiled coyly.

"What? No!! I just.. it fit her better!!! You said it's cute so it's cute for that woman because she is, but NOT for me!"

"Awhh, but you're also cute!!" Douma giggled, hugging Akaza.

The bet  {Doukaza} | [COMPLETED+ MOSTLY UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now