10. For Love

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Neds gaze kept shifting to Grace as she helped Tommen get out of his padding but Roberts bear claw of a hand clasped his shoulder drawing him back to the present.

'I know what I'm putting you through. Thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You're a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I've got." Robert remarked

'I hope I'll serve you well.' Ned told him. He was excited for a change. He knew he was known as a man of honor but what he did with Grace was not honorable. But damn if she wasnt tempting.

'You will. And I'll make sure you don't look so fucking grim all the time. Come on, boys, let's go kill some boar!" Ned nodded goodbye to Bran as the riding party headed off.

' Come on, you.' Bran instructed summer as she ran away from Ned and towards Bran.

Bran was moving from gargoyle to gargoyle with the ease of long practice when he heard the voices. He was so startled he almost lost his grip. The First Keep had been empty all his life. No one went up here but him.

"I do not like it," a woman was saying. He couldnt see who it was but the voice was drifting out of the window on the side. "You should be the Hand."

"Gods forbid," Jaime replied lazily. "It's not an honor I'd want. There's far too much work involved." Bran hung, listening, suddenly afraid to go on. They might glimpse him, if he tried to swing by he did not want to risk it. So he hung nervously.

"I love you honey." Grace coed kissing Tommens cheek. No Baratheon in his cute little self yet he wasnt anything like joffrey. Maybe joffrey was Baratheon after all.

"Can we get a dog?" Tommen questioned.

"Sure... but I dont think our cats will like it."

"Cats and dogs dont mix." Tommen agreed softly but Grace thought of herself. She was a lion and ned a wolf. Sure figuratively but still. Cats and dogs and they got on great. Better than great.

"On second thought. I will talk with your mother. You like these wolves? Some of them will be coming with us to the capital I presume." Grace remarked petting summers coarse fur.

"Don't you see the danger this puts us in?" Cersei hissed. "Robert loves the man like a brother."

"Robert can barely stomach his brothers. Not that I blame him. Stannis would be enough to give anyone indigestion." Jaime corrected.

"Don't play the fool. Stannis and Renly are one thing, and Eddard Stark is quite another. Robert will listen to Stark. Damn them both. I should have insisted that he name you, but I was certain Stark would refuse him." Cersei grumbled out.

"We ought to count ourselves fortunate," Jaime corrected. "The king might as easily have named one of his brothers, or even Littlefinger, gods help us." He muttered. "Give me honorable enemies rather than ambitious ones, and I'll sleep more easily by night."

They were talking about Father, Bran had realized, why were they sounding so mean and cruel, his father was wonderful.

"Besides Gracie and him seem friendly she will keep him on his best behavior, no?"

"Do you know?"  Cersei countered knowing jaime would play the big brother card to Gracie like he had done with the shelby boy.

"Know what?" Jaime countered confused.

"Never mind." Cersei assured. "We will have to watch him carefully. I dont trust an honorable man." Cersei sneered.

"I would rather watch you," Jaime corrected pulling his twin closer. "Come back here."

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