20. Magic Tits

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"Can I fuck aunt grace?" Joffrey's question startled Cersei. She looked up from her wine and met his gaze. "You said I could have whoever I like and I love aunt grace."

"I know you do but you can't fuck your aunt." Cersei corrected.

"Why not?"

"Because she is your aunt. She is too old for you, and-"

"Age is but a number and I'm very mature." Joffrey corrected.

"She- she is many things- all not right for you. Also she won't want to." Cersei said certainly.

"But I want her and she loves me." Joffrey corrected. 

"You would have breast fed from her if it was possible." Cersei grumbled.

"I want her now." Joffrey demanded.

"No. You love your aunt and I love that you do but you are mistaking familial love for more." How fucking ironic coming from Cersei.

"No, I love her. She is unwed. I don't love Sansa." Joffrey corrected. An idea came to him, "I want to marry Grace." 

"No." Cersei corrected. 

'Does ser hugh Have any family in the capital?'' Ned pondered. 

''No.' Ser Barriston said as ser hugh was sewn back together after a joust went through his neck at the tournament 'I gave a vigil to him last night he had no one else.''

''He never wore this helmet before.' Ned noted

'Bad luck for him going against the Mountain.'

"If you would have waited a moment longer-" Grace remarked. 

"The flower would have been smashed." Sandor agreed. 

"You didnt hesitate to take down Gregor."  Grace remarked. 

"Why would I?" Sandor countered. 

"Most would think about it, certainly a moment or two more considering you dont know or like Loras." Grace informed him. 

"How do you know that?" Sandor mused. 

"YOu dont like anyone but me." Grace reminded him.

"I dont like you." Sandor lied. 

"Sure, sure whatever you have to tell yourself to keep this tough guy act, but I see you Sandor Clegane."

''I'm glad we never met on the field Ser barriston.' Ned remarked.

'You are too modest I've seen you cut down a dozen red knights.' Barriston informed him.

'My father once told me you were the best he's ever seen. I never knew the man to be wrong about matters of combat.' Ned told him

'He was a fine man, your father... bad business with the mad king though it was a terrible crime.''

''That knight was a squire up until a few months ago... how can you afford a suit of armor?' Ned questioned as they walked.

'Perhaps his Lord had left him some money? I heard that the king wants to joust today.' Barriston remarked.

'That will never happen.' Ned remarked

'The king tends to do what he wants.'

''If the king got what he wanted all the time we would still be fighting a rebellion.'' Ned corrected. 


"Grace I heard the most disgusting thing today." Cersei remarked. 

"I heard the most disgusting thing today too! But it might be wonderful, Robert wants to compete, maybe someone brave enough will kill him." Grace pondered hopefully. 

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