25. Lovesick

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"Ned?" Grace pushed open his chamber door. She looked around seeing a half packed bag on the bed, he really was leaving but surely he wasnt gone yet. Maybe she could convince him otherwise. Give them a chance, she was moody and temperamental but most women were. She wanted him to stay. She moved to the door before her hand flew to her mouth, a gag filled her chest and she ran to the chamber pot. 

''It looks like a small pack of wolves' Jaime noted

''Stand back ser this is the hand of the King.' Jory told him

''Was the hand of the King.' Jaime corrected 'I'm not sure what he is now....''

''What is the meaning of this Lannister?' Petyr said running outside, now Ned felt bad in not trusting Petyr he was trying to help.

'Get back inside where it is safe. I am looking for my brother.' Jaime informed Ned 'you remember my brother don't you lord stark? Blonde hair, sharp tongue, short man.''

''I remember him well' ned admitted

''He had some trouble on the road you wouldn't happen to know what happened to him?' Jaime questioned.

Ned remained silent, he wasn't about to take credit for Catelyn's mistake but his silence was mistaken for guilt. Jaime and his men unsheathe their swords.

'My Lord,' Petyr said stepping forward 'I will bring the city watch.' but ned held him back.

''Come on stark I'd rather you die sword in hand.' Jaime challenged and Ned hesitated. He wasnt willing to die with so much on his conscience. But he didnt want to fight, he hoped Jaime would have enough honor to talk this out, at least not stab him in the back like he did with the mad king... Ned was going to die, his hand shifted to the hilt of his sword. 

''If you threaten my lord again-' Jory warned.

''As in I'm going to open your lord from balls to brain and see what's starks are really made of.' Jaime clarified.

''You kill me. Your brother is a dead man' ned informed him.

''You're right...' Jaime acknowledged 'take him alive, kill his men.' Jaime instructed and Lannister soldiers stepped forward attacking but Ned was not about to go down without a fight. He had too much to live for, his children were here, what happened to them if he died.

Jamie's sword was drove through Jory's eye, all the way out the other end of his skull. Jaime pointed his sword Ned ready for a proper duel as the rest of the Lannister soldiers waited circling them ready for an attack if necessary. They were at a face off when one of Jaime's men came from behind Ned stabbing him through the back of the leg. Jaime stepped forward punching his knight in the face.

'that was dishonorable.' Jaime informed him. Ned watched in complete agony spear still through his leg as Jaime mounted his white horse.

"'He is my brother Lord Stark and I want him back.'" Jaime spat riding away as Ned collapse to the ground.


"He was an idiot." Grace declared. 

"Stark was coming out of a brothel!" Cersei declared. 

"I dont believe him to be fucking whores." Grace corrected. "I meant Jaime is an idiot for attacking Ned in broad daylight." 

"Jaime was defending our blood." Cersei corrected. 

"And normally I would be a glad of it but kill Catelyn, not Ned. Ned didnt do anything!" 

"He was fucking whores and running away and still you like him. Still you want him?" Cersei rasped. 

"I'm... I... yes."  Grace agreed. 

"What happened to I hate him, he is the devil?"

"I didnt call ned the devil." Grace corrected. 

"You forgave him?" 

"It was you and Robert."

"Our fighting? Our reminiscing about Lyanna the woman he loves still more than I? Our hated and spiteful marriage?" Cersei mused. 

"Yes." Grace agreed. "I feel... when I'm with Ned I'm happy. I feel love sick and... truly sick too right now. Gods since I started fighting with Ned its like my body hates me too!" Grace declared. "It clearly wants us to kiss and make up because I can't hold anything down." Cersei's eyes went wide. "But Cersei, you and Robert hate each other. I said I hated Ned but I dont, I couldnt hate him not really."


"You know he and I have spent every night together, not just sex, but talking, he tells me everything, he... even told me about his siblings, Lyanna." Grace admitted. "He told me about growing up in the north, about meeting Robert, the first time he saw Arya pick up a bow and arrow... I love talking with him and its the highlight of my day getting to go to bed next to him, tangled up in his arms, hearing the beating of his chest. I... I love him and hes... everything was going to smoothly, I think all couples need to get the first fight out of the way." Grace offered. "Right?"


"I'm sorry, I need to vomit." grace corrected running to the chamber pot.  

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