37. I Get What I Want

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Tywin and Tyrion arrived first and Grace ran to them.

"Tyrion I'm so glad you are okay." Grace declared before hugging Tywin, he held her to him. "Is Jaime-"

"On a mission for you, I believe." Tywin whispered.

"Such a good listener he is." Grace agreed with a cheery smile.

"What is this nonsense about Stark being hand still?" Tywin demanded.

"Yeah, more on that when Jaime gets back with good news." Grace corrected. "Come, say hello to our new king, he is loving his position here."

"I'm sure he is." Tyrion agreed teasingly.

"he's really doing well." Grace agreed. "He agreed to peace, he has summoned Catelyn to which she refused, we are getting vengeance for her taking you. Remind the world not to mess with a lannister." Tyrion put a hand on his heart. "He listens to me." She added.

"Has your voice in his ear? And  your council voice sounds like fathers."  Tyrion agreed.

"You know Robert said the same thing about Cersei. It is a skill we have." Grace agreed, Tywin smiled down at her.

"Come. You will tell me this nonsense with stark still as hand." Tywin insturcted and she hooked her hand in his arm.

"Its a long story." Grace offered. "It all started when we went to winterfell-"


When Robb and Theon arrived they looked around wide eyed at all the knights, the women, the castle was spectacular.

"Lord Robb Stark of winterfell." Robb introduced.

"Gathered that from the wolves." The steward agreed. "Come on, your father will be waiting for you."

They couldnt stop looking around at everyone and everything the capital was so new and different. Robbs father was a prisoner and now hand again they had to be prepared.

"Robb!" Ned declared rising from his desk.

"Father!" Robb rushed to him. "I am so glad you are alright." Ned hugged him relaxing. His first born. Safe. Here. At the capital.

Things were looking up in the capital. Sure Tywin was skeptical but Grace was good at smoothing the waters between him and Ned. Now all she needed was for Jaime to make his appearance. 

"Jaime!" Grace declared he spun her around.

"Is it my imagination or are you getting heavier?" Jaime questioned.

"Rude, dont you know never to talk about a womans weight." Grace swatted a hand at him.

"Sorry, I just... Sorry."

"What news to you have for me?" Grace countered. Her pregnancy could not be revealed until after she wed ned and she needed Catelyn dead for that to happen.

"I fried the fish, had a grand time doing it."

"Wonderful, thank you, you are the best!" Grace agreed. "Details? Did she flop around?" she giggled back. 

"Fried the fish." Jaime agreed with a wink. 

"Best brother ever." Grace agreed kissing his cheek. 

"Now how to break it to Ned and the council?"

"I already have that set." Grace assured.

"Do you?"

"I got this raven, you know I read all the ravens, love a good gossip," Grace remarked pulling a little scroll out. "It claims that Catelyn Stark was found dead in the woods, looked like raiders, looters, thought the hand would want to know." Jaime took it from her.

"This doesnt even look like your writing."

"I used my right hand instead of my left." Grace agreed. "Makes it shaky and slopy but you can read it?"

"Aye." Jaime agreed. "Well then I suppose we tell them- Oh, look Robb Stark."

"Yes, hes handsome like his father." Grace agreed.

"Sure you dont want to try for the younger?" Jaime mused. 

"I'm going to wed Ned." Grace said confidently. 

"Are you?" Jaime countered. 

"Yes. THen this tension between you, father and Ned will end and we will have peace." Grace declared. 

"You sound confident." Jaime remarked as they headed in. 

"I am a Lannister, I get what I want."

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