39. Bloody Bride

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Timeless / House of the Dragon x Legends of Tomorrow out now!

Grace was to be wed, she wanted it done quickly and a union between Stark and Lannister, although so soon after Catelyns death might have seemed rushed -she did have a baby currently growing inside of her- it needed to happen fast. She was so excited, she loved Ned, she couldnt wait to be married and start a family and she could already imagine it. She was going to be the best mother ever.

"She had mother killed so she could be with you." Sansa remarked.

"Joffrey is awful, their whole family is awful, why don't you see that? Why are you doing this?" Robb agreed.

"Grace isnt like her siblings." Ned corrected.

"But she is, she might be even worse." Robb corrected. "Shes stupid hot but she's a monster just like them. She had mother killed to be with you."

"She saved my life." Ned reminded them.

"She is just as much a killer as Tywin, as Cersei, as Jaime." Robb demanded. "And you have to put a stop to it before she gets us all killed or worse."

"What's worse than dead?" Sansa countered.

"Their slaves." Robb offered.

"I will talk with Grace."  Ned agreed.

"Talking won't fix things."

"You are going to marry her then you are in danger just as much as us, what happens if someone starts talking, if someone says something does something they don't like then what? They get rid of them. What are they holding over you?"

"Lady Grace?" Petyr questioned knocking on her door.

"Make is quick Baelish, I'm getting married today." Grace corrected.

"Just thought you would want to know that the Starks were talking about you."

"I am the bride I think everyone should be talking about me." Grace mused.

"Calling your family some unsavory names, it seems they found out about their mother." Petyr added cautiously. Grace hesitated in front of her mirror finally meeting his gaze as she turned.

"What about their mother?" Grace asked sharply.

"That you were behind her death."

"I was here." Grace reminded him.

"They seem to think your whole family is awful." Petyr went on.

"And what did Ned say about it?" Grace countered. He was the only one that mattered.

"I think he was starting to believe them."

"Can't have that." Grace tsked as she turned back to the mirror. "That will be all Baelish, thank you for your candor."

"Of course my lady." Petyr agreed. She tossed back a coin. He smiled down at it. "Hello lord Stark." Ned nodded to him as Petyr pocketed the coin. He knocked on the open door and peer in.

"Grace? Might we have a word?" Ned questioned.

Grace couldnt convince him, they were going back and forth and Ned was more and more riled up by the moment. Grace was losing him. His children coming here, gods she should have gotten rid of them ages ago. She hated other peoples children. She would love her baby like she loved Cersei's children, her blood but every other fucking child was a monster trying to steal her happiness.

"I wish you would have just kept your mouth shut Ned." Grace rasped, sobs in her throat. "We could have had it all."


"Tell me we can still make this work." Grace begged. "You me and our baby... please Ned."

"I can't marry you." Ned corrected. "I don't know what you are capable of and that scares me."

"And its our wedding day... and here I was having the best day ever." Grace informed him. "But no... you do this, you ruin us so easily. Why couldn't you just let it lie, why did you start asking questions prodding around at things that should be left in the dark. Why Ned why?"

"Jon Arryn started asking questions." Ned whispered.

"And he found out what you did and Lysa had him killed. Bran saw Cersei and Jaime together and he slipped. You got me pregnant and I saved your ass, Jaime got vengeance on Catelyn and I don't regret a single thing."


"Except for falling for you." Grace declared driving the blade into his chest, he choked for breath, reaching for her. "I loved you Ned... now look what you made me do."

"Grace!" Jaime declared when he heard a crash. Neds body slumped on the ground at her feet.

"It's my wedding day." Grace remarked wiping the blood onto her once pristine dress. "Get rid of the fucking Starks."

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