32. Suspicions

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"Where are you going?" Cersei questioned. 


"Going to see Ned Stark?" Cersei realized. "He wanted war against us, to lock us up and throw away the key." 

"I'm taking the fucking test." Grace remarked. "I'm... and he's..."

"Grace-" Cersei knew, she knew the symptoms, had known for a fortnight that Grace was pregnant, suspected it at least. 

"What's it say?" Cersei questioned. 

"I'm waiting but I... I just thought I... with everything going on-"

"I had my suspicions." Cersei admitted. "I told Ned of my suspicions and he didnt care, he still went ahead with his plans." 

"No... I... no..." Grace's voice faded as she looked to her feet. "I have to see him, either way." Cersei looked to the barley on the ground but Grace couldnt look at it, to see if it flowered or not, she just needed to see Ned. 


"Eat, drink." Grace corrected thrusting food through the bars. 

"Are you pregnant?" ned rasped as he drank down the water Grace had brought for him.

"Is that your way of calling me fat?"


"I'm late. I'm doing a barely test but I ran down here before it was done." she agreed. 

"Cersei... I thought she was lying to me." 

"You called Joffrey a bastard, said he had no claim and expected what? Her to back down? The world to back down? Are you an idiot? My father owns most of westeros." Grace reminded him. 

"I'm an idiot." Ned agreed. "How are you feeling?"


"Morning sickness? Lightheaded? Dizzy?" Ned questioned. 

"Yes." Grace agreed. "I thought it was because of the damn drama with you and Tyrion and... but... you know I-" she swallowed back her tears. "I always wanted a child. I wanted to be a mother so bad and... now that I might be, I'm so fucking terrified Ned." 

"I'm right here." He reached through the bars to her. 

"In a cell and my family hates you more than they already did and I didnt think that was possible." Grace corrected through a sob. 

"Lady Grace, the king requested you." Sandor remarked and she jumped at his voice. 

"Sandor, just a moment." Grace corrected, Sandor nodded taking a step back. 

"Grace, will you come back after the test is done, either way?" Ned requested. 

"Of course." Grace took a few steps towards the doors. "Ned I'm getting you out of here, either way." 

"I love you, Grace. I'm sorry."


''You father has proved to be an awful traitor, my dear." Varys actually seemed sadden at that as they sat down. 

"King Robert's body was still warm when Lord Eddard began plotting to steal Joffrey's rightful throne." Pycelle, actually believed the words he was saying to be truth.

"He wouldn't do that." Sansa told them. "The king was his eldest friend. My father is a good man. Please, Your Grace, there's been a mistake." Sansa looked between them. "Send for my father. He'll tell you. The King was his friend." Sansa continued to plead, she wanted her father. She fiddled with the necklace joffrey had given her instead finding a smidgen of peace in its gem. 

"Sansa, sweetling, you are innocent of any wrong. We know that. Yet you are the daughter of a traitor. How can I allow you to marry my son?" Cersei sat there, tall and proud of her accomplishment. Grace came in and looked to Joffrey, he certainly like his title as king, he had the cocky pompous posture down already. 

"A child born of a traitor's seed is no fit consort for our King. She might be a sweet thing now. Your Grace, but in ten years who knows what treasons she may hatch?" Pycelle's reminded her.

"I won't hatch anything." Sansa begged. 

"Where is Arya?" Grace questioned as Sandor left her side moving to Joffrey.

"The girls are innocent... your grace. They should be given a chance to prove their loyalty." Petyr told her. Cersei looked to Grace and shrugged. Grace could try to find Arya make her see she was a friend not foe.

"Little Dove, you must write to Lady Catelyn and your brother, the eldest.."

"Robb." Sansa filled in his name for her as Cersei nodded and grabbed a piece of paper for Sansa. 

"Word of your father's arrest will reach him soon, no doubt. Best it comes from you. If you would help your father urge your brother to keep the King's Peace. Tell him to come to King's Landing and swear his fealty to Joffrey."

"If...If I could see my father... perhaps I could... Talk to him about-" sansa tried.

"You disappoint me, child. We have told you of your father's treason. Why would you want to speak to a traitor?"

"He is her father." Grace spoke up and Joffrey looked to her. 

"What will happen to him?" Sansa's mind raced thinking of the worst.

"That depends." Cersei told her.

"On...' sansa swallowed the lump in her throat. 'on what?"

"On your brother. And on you." Cersei gave Sansa the paper and quill. Sansa nodded, and cersei told her what to write, a smug smile on cerseis face. 


Grace stared down at the blooming barley. She barfed in the chamber pot twice before she moved to Ned's cells and crouched down beside him handing him another jug of water. He thanked her waiting while she built up her courage to say the words. 

"I'm pregnant Ned."

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