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Ekpoma, Edo State

It was raining and Hauwa could not compare her feelings to a better weather.

She got off the Big Joe bus at Okpoji Junction as she didn't want to get to the park with the other passengers. Thankfully, she easily got a vehicle to take her home. The ride was quiet – save for the music that played through the radio – and she stared out of the window more than half the time, watching people go about their Saturday despite the gloomy weather.

Kaycee was already waiting for her at home. She was hosted by the pastor who lived in one of the down flats. Hauwa had to smile when her best friend screamed and before she knew it, she was bearing the weight of Kaycee's body as the latter engulfed her in a bone-crushing hug.

She laughed and hugged the excited female back. "Hey, Kaycee."

Kaycee leaned back to look at her, her grin so big. "Hi! You're here!"

Hauwa nodded. "I am!" She hugged the other woman again and the tears came on their own. "God, I missed you so much."

Kaycee sensed the mood change and her grin fell off her face. She patted Hauwa's back. "Hauwa, are you okay?"

In reply, Hauwa's dam burst and she began to cry.


The flat was misty. The smoke carried the scent of the Dubai rose turaren wuta Hauwa bought on impulse from a vendor she had come across. It was one of the numerous things she bought in Abuja because she wouldn't easily find them in Ekpoma. Only a few windows were open as the rain had resumed its heavy downpour. The doors were locked too.

Kaycee and Hauwa sat on one sofa, very little space between them. They were in more comfortable clothes and all their bags were in Hauwa's shared room with Hanan which would undergo some changes as soon as Linda and Yusuf were back.

"So," Kaycee began. "I was right. Mas'ood likes you."

Hauwa nodded. She typed out a message addressed to her parents and cousins so they could know she had arrived safely. "He does."

"And Mahmud likes his colleague."

"He said it's not like that but I don't think I bought it." She hit send and put the phone aside. "They seemed close so..."

Kaycee's heart broke. "You like Mahmud."

Hauwa managed a small smile as she pulled her knees to her chest. "I guess. I had a feeling I was leaning towards him but I didn't want to accept it until yesterday." She sighed. "Tobė was right. Doctors dating themselves and settling is safe. That seems to be the path Mahmud will take too."

Tobėchukwu "Tobė" Uwabujo was Kaycee's oldest brother; a paediatrician who ended up marrying a gynaecologist because they understood themselves perfectly well and knew how to work around each other's schedules. Tobė was a big advocate of intra-medical marriages. To him, they were safe and were bound to last longer due to the understanding of both partners.

Kaycee mirrored her best friend's sitting position. "So what now?"

Hauwa shrugged. "I don't know. I asked Mas'ood for time. Mahmud and I will talk once in a while so I just have to get over him...I guess I'll have to pray about it and see what happens." She then smiled. "Maybe I'll even meet someone else. You said you had a list for us to go through. We have time."

Kaycee scoffed. "You are an amazing woman sha...Do you see yourself liking Mas'ood though?"

Hauwa nodded a near minute later. "He's easy to like. I just have to reorient my mind if I'm to give it an opportunity. I've seen him as my brother-in-law all this time, Kaycee. I know Islam permits it but that doesn't mean a lot of people are going to be okay with it. Then there's the long distance stuff. There's a lot to take into consideration."

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