December, 2022
Abuja, Nigeria
Mahmud was beyond exhausted. They had spent forty hours in the operating room and while the surgery was a success, his mental and physical health was being held together by a very thin thread which was ready to snap at any minute.
He relied on muscle memory in his office; getting out of his scrubs, a quick shower and then changing into casual clothes. The short journey to the parking lot had him forcing a polite smile for those who hadn't seen him in a while. Almost every single person was happy to have him back in Nizamiye and while it was something good, it was sucking out his remaining energy.
He unlocked his car doors and got behind the wheel when his bag was comfortable in the backseat. With a sigh, he leaned back in the seat and unlocked his phone. His smile was a natural reaction to the number of messages he had from Hauwa.
Hubb (6:04AM): Good morning, Qalb! Ah, you should still be in surgery now. I hope it's going fine. I hope you aren't stressed out too. So, I missed the first bus because I wanted to make sure Mummy and Daddy would really, really, really be fine without me. They think I'm overreacting but oh, well. The woman who would be keeping the house in order is going to come later and I hope she's as nice as the day I gave her the job. If she isn't, I'm going to be really mad. Anyways, I'm waiting for the second bus to fill up. I got a window solo seat! I am so happy! Welp, this text is getting too long. Bye!
Hubb (8:10AM): I am freaking tired but we just left Ekpoma. I'll keep texting you to let you know how the journey's going...I hope they can get the railway connected from Itakpe to Abuja soon because these roads are so not it. We should tell Amal and Hanan about us today. I'm not sure Hanan will kill me but Amal though...We should brace ourselves.
Hubb (12:24PM): We're in Lokoja! And I got my favourite meatpie from GT! I actually planned on eating rice and their bbq fish but you had to see how beautiful the meatpie was! The ice-cream was so frozen so of course I had to get that too. At this point, I have a feeling I'll be kissing my flat stomach goodbye. Not like I mind sha, the food is worth it...You still aren't out of surgery. God abeg. I hope you all are taking breaks though. It's been more than 30 hours already.
Hubb (2:50PM): So, we're at Zuba. They're dropping off passengers and then we'll head to Utako. Amal and Zayd are out, according to Hanan, so I told her I'll take a Bolt or an Uber. She shouldn't stress herself.
Hubb (3:40PM): I'm in Hanan's house (I think I can call it home, for now). For someone who was giving me attitude over the phone, she is sure excited to see me. She cooked a three course meal too and she's trying to lie that it's for her husband. As if I'm an idiot who doesn't know that Zayd's meals haven't been prepared yet....Anyways, you still aren't out of surgery?! Why is it taking so long? You better be okay or I will kill you and every other surgeon there.
Hubb (4:04PM): I'm going to sleep. I'll probably be knocked out until Maghrib so if you're out by then, please text. I'll call back once I'm awake and not disoriented. Bye!
Mahmud realized then that his smile had turned to a full blown grin. His fatigue was half-gone too. With a small sigh, he put the phone to sleep and placed it in between the seats. He was going to call her but he had to go home, pray Maghrib and Isha first and then eat dinner. He'd be stronger after that. With a smile still playing on his lips, he put his car in reverse and eased down on the gas pedal.
Hauwa and Hanan lay side by side on the double bed in the guest room. Both sisters stared at the ceiling. While Hauwa replayed the events that led to her being in Abuja, Hanan read more into her sister's silence.

Mrs Mahmud, Mrs Mas'ood
General FictionBook three in the Dantata Series. Hauwa Sufyan had it all planned out: get her sister married to the love of her life, slay with the dresses she spent more than she ever had on, and have fun with the guests present. The last thing she expected even...