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"If I didn't know better, Mas'ood, I'd swear you are the father of baby Huzair."

Already knowing who had spoken, Mas'ood smiled. He did not look up from the baby in his arms. "I can't help it. He has wrapped me around his finger and well, I'm a sucker for him."

Mukhtar – Zafeenah's husband – sat beside his brother-in-law. His smile was beautiful as he stared at his son. "We're all suckers for him but you take the crown."

Mas'ood laughed. "I will gladly accept it. I'll wear it proudly." He finally raised his head. "How's Feenah?"

"She's still resting. She's stronger than she was last week. She's moving around a bit more too." Mukhtar sighed. "I told her we wouldn't have another baby. I nearly lost my life in that room. This woman said the second one will be easier In Shaa Allah. I don't even know how to dissuade her."

Mas'ood chuckled. "You know Feenah has always wanted a lot of kids. So it's going to be difficult to dissuade her. If it's the best for you both, may you have more kids. If it isn't, may Allah keep you both content with Huzair."

Mukhtar's heart warmed. "Ameen. Thank you, Mas'ood. Thank you for being here too. I hope your business isn't suffering."

Mas'ood laughed, recalling Hassan's annoyed expression when he (Mas'ood) asked him to please oversee the activities of Matbakh Mas'ood. "Everything's being handled well in my absence so it's okay. I like being here, Mukhtar, so you don't need to thank me for anything."

"I hope to repay the favour when you get married and have your own kid. I can't wait for that to happen."

Mas'ood's cheerful expression slowly slid off his face. He kept his focus on his nephew who slept soundly in his arms. A moment went by before he swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke. "Until then In Shaa Allah."

"Did I say something wrong?"

Mas'ood shook his head. "No, you didn't. It's just a touchy subject for me right now. There's a lot going on." He gave the other man a small smile. "You had no idea and you meant good so there's no problem. Please don't apologize."

Mukhtar was quiet for a moment. With a small exhale, he asked "Do you want to talk about anything, Mas'ood?"

Mas'ood's smile was sad. "You think I'm holding in a lot, right?"

Mukhtar nodded. "Yes, I think so."

"It's crazy. We were in this same position almost two years ago and I was the one asking you that question. Zafeenah was being unnecessarily stubborn."

Mukhtar had to laugh. "True. Roles can be reversed. I'd listen to you anytime, any day, Mas'ood. You know that."

Mas'ood nodded. He knew it all too well. For a minute, no man said anything. Baby Huzair stirred in Mas'ood's arms and the latter ensured the tiny human was as comfortable as ever.

"You remember Hauwa, right? Hanan's sister."

Mukhtar nodded. "Yes, I do. She called yesterday to congratulate us. She kept apologizing that it was late but Feenah told her is alright. It's hard to forget someone like that. She brought a lot of light to the wedding."

Mas'ood smiled and nodded. He kept staring at Huzair. "She did. Ever since I set eyes on Huzair, I've imagined both of us together with a child of our own. I'm running faster than my shadow, I know. I just can't help it. It's all I think about these days, especially when I'm talking to her over the phone. I keep wondering how it would feel to be married to her and having a son or a daughter as beautiful as Huzair."

Mukhtar's lips parted but no words came out. He swallowed. "Mas'ood..."

"You're the first person I'm admitting that to. Feenah's the only one who knew I liked her and she's the one who pushed me to confess. Hauwa and I are currently in a stage I can't put a label on but I love it because I'm getting to know her so well. There's so much you think you know about someone until you see that you actually don't."

Mrs Mahmud, Mrs Mas'oodWhere stories live. Discover now