July, 2024
"In and out, Asiyah...You're doing great."
Asiyah was tired and she wasn't sure how long they still had to go. She wasn't even sure she heard them say they could see her baby's head. Apart from the medical team, only Humaira and Zainab were there with her. Mas'ood was out of Abuja for a business trip and although they said he was on his way back almost forever ago, she wasn't sure he wasn't going to make it. It hurt a lot because she just wanted him there with her.
"Asiyah," It was Zainab. "You're doing okay. We're almost there, okay?"
Asiyah could barely see through her tears. "I need Mas'ood, Mama. I don't think I can do this anymore."
Zainab smiled, perfectly masking her pain. "He'll be here soon In Shaa Allah. You can do this. You're strong, Asiyah."
She shook her head. "I don't want to do this anymore, Mama. Please just –"
The room doors burst open and a crazed looking Mas'ood rushed in, already changed into scrubs with a disposable cap covering his head. Humaira let out a relieved breath. "Alhamdulillah. You're late, Chef."
Mas'ood apologized to the medical team and rushed to his wife's side, Zainab happily taking a step back. He grabbed her right hand and kissed her sweaty forehead. "I'm so sorry I'm late, Asiyah. I'm here now. I'm so sorry."
"Asiyah," The head doctor called from the end of the bed where she coached. "I'm going to need you to push now. We can see her head."
Asiyah looked at Mas'ood who smiled at her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "You can do this, sweetheart. I'll be with you all the way."
An hour later, the baby girl was wailing and the new parents easily felt their world tilt, making it seem as though there wasn't a life before she came into their lives.
Humaira was over the moon. "Masha Allah, Mas'ood and Asiyah...Asiyah, you legit just gave birth to your husband's carbon copy. Dubi kamanni."
Asiyah laughed tiredly as they placed her daughter on her chest. The little girl immediately relaxed and Asiyah's chest swelled with love. She reached up to touch the little being. "Assalam Alaykum, sweetheart. It's so nice to meet you."
The doctor cleared her throat. "Dad, we need to get the umbilical cord cut."
Mas'ood's palms immediately sweated and Zainab chuckled before she stepped forward and gave him a small push. He easily got it done although he did so with shaky hands and when the baby was taken away for cleaning, Asiyah whined.
Humaira laughed. "They'll bring her back soon. If they try to delay, I'll go and deal with them for you."
Asiyah smiled at her sister. "Thank you, Adda."
"You're welcome! God, lemme go and call the others! They'll be so surprised. Mama and Baba are going to kill two of us for not letting them know you had gone into labour..."
Her voice faded as the doors closed behind her. Zainab excused herself too. Left alone with the medical team that got her checked and cleaned up, Asiyah faced her husband who stuck to her side, holding her hand in both of his. She gave him a smile that was smaller than the one she gave Humaira. "Thank you for not missing it."
His smile widened. "I promised I was going to be here, Asiyah. When Humaira called, I lost it and God knows I insulted the person presenting because he said I was interrupting him."
His smile stretched again when she laughed. "I can't remember what I said but I know they weren't nice. I'm glad I went with my plane. That hastened things. If I didn't, I'll still be at the airport waiting for the next flight to board and take off."

Mrs Mahmud, Mrs Mas'ood
Aktuelle LiteraturBook three in the Dantata Series. Hauwa Sufyan had it all planned out: get her sister married to the love of her life, slay with the dresses she spent more than she ever had on, and have fun with the guests present. The last thing she expected even...