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Since he received Amal's message days earlier, Mahmud prayed for one thing; to be able to see Hauwa in person if it was the best for them both. It was a prayer he uttered with every ounce of sincerity and it was one of his numerous prayers that were answered.

His afternoon study session was cancelled last minute and by the time he got back to Mabushi, Muhammad had important guests which meant he could not go with Aisha to visit Hanan. Mahmud had to take his place. Aisha was worried and Mahmud knew she had all right to be. He assured her he'd be fine. He just wanted to see Hauwa in person. That did not, however, mean that his heart was ready for her being the one who opened the door.

The shock on her face stabbed his heart and it took her a near minute to mask it up and smile. She focused on Aisha. "Waalaykum Salam. Hi! I'm sorry, I was just taken aback." She stepped aside, holding the door wider open. "Please come in."

Aisha chuckled. "We surprised you koh?"

Hauwa closed the door once Mahmud was in and let out a small laugh. "You did. We weren't expecting anyone."

Mahmud easily removed his shoes and exchanged them for one of the spare pairs of slippers they kept for visitors on the shoe rack. Aisha did the same, adjusting the basket of fruits in her hands. She had refused to allow him carry it for her. Hauwa led them into the house and Linda was just as surprised to see them. Greetings were exchanged and Mahmud made himself comfortable on one of the single seat sofas, watching with a slightly heavy heart as Hauwa stepped out of the living room to disappear into the kitchen.

Linda got his attention when she called out to him. "How has the post fellowship diploma been? It's nothing too stressful, right?"

Mahmud smiled easily and shook his head. "No, it's alright. We have some overzealous instructors but it's nothing we can't handle."

Linda hissed. "Don't mind them. They always like showing themselves." She turned to Aisha. "How's Muhammad?"

"Oh, he's fine. He was to come along but there were some visitors that he just had to stay with. There's this project he's working on so they have to put their heads together...Did Yusuf come with you?"

Linda shook her head. "No, not at all. He's also busy. He's in Delta now. There are PhD students that he has to supervise so he couldn't make it."

"I hope he's fine."

"Yes, he is...Can I get you two anything?"

Mahmud and Aisha shook their heads, assuring her that they were alright. A near minute later, Hanan walked into the living room with a smile on her face. She easily hugged Aisha before the latter brought attention to the fruit basket she came with.

Hanan's expression softened. "You really didn't have to. You've already promised to get blankets and onesies. This is a lot."

Aisha waved it off. "Just enjoy it. A mother and her babies have to stay healthy."

Linda nodded in total agreement. "Exactly."

Hanan promised to enjoy the fruits before she sat beside her mother. She smiled at Mahmud. "Dr Muhammad, this is a pleasant surprise."

Mahmud smiled back. "She needed a companion and since Baba's busy, I had to step in."

She shared a knowing smile. "Are you sure? You didn't come for anything else?"

Mahmud shook his head, the lie easily slipping past his lips. "Nope. I just came with her to see you. Congratulations by the way. I'm sorry for not reaching out since Amal texted the day before yesterday."

Hanan told him it was no big deal before she thanked him. Aisha then asked how she was faring and Mahmud easily pulled himself out of the conversation. His heartbeat spiked when Hauwa entered the space, a small tray in hand and Melody right behind her.

Mrs Mahmud, Mrs Mas'oodWhere stories live. Discover now