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Clyde has never thought that she can ever become close friends with someone within a few weeks. She really does believe that it will take months before she can even consider someone a friend. But with Taylor, it somehow changed, and Clyde likes it.

In fact, Clyde likes it a lot. She may actually love it at times, because she finally has someone who is completely fine with walking home with her after class. Clyde's other friends have strict schedules after going to school, so they usually can't walk with her.

She can't even truly ignore the amount of excitement and happiness she feels whenever Taylor tells her that she wants to walk after class. And while Taylor definitely doesn't tell Clyde that often, she does it enough for Clyde to notice a specific pattern.

Clyde has concluded that her heart really can't handle Taylor's presence. She can't quite handle it whenever Taylor flashes her a smile, or when Taylor touches her, or when Taylor endearingly calls her stupid and dumb. Her heart ultimately thinks it's too much.

Whenever any of those things happen, Clyde's heartbeat will steadily quicken to the point that she genuinely thinks there is something wrong with her health. A quick talk with her other friends made her realize that it definitely has nothing to do with her fitness.

Instead, it has everything to do with her feelings for Taylor.

Clyde totally can't believe that is even a possibility, and yet, be the actual reason for why her heart constantly skips beats. Sure, Clyde only ever notices that whenever Taylor is around, but she thought it can be something else. Like, something more lethal.

But hearing that she may be in love with a new friend? Clyde can't believe it. It seems too weird, to somehow just fall in love with someone she met not too long ago. Though, Clyde knows it does make a lot of sense. She just can't seem to easily accept it.


"Oh—huh? Wait, sorry. Are you trying to tell me something?" Clyde stammers.

"No, idiot," Taylor laughs, "You were just staring at me."


And Clyde's face immediately feels like it's burning. She glances down in embarrassment, shyly trying to avoid Taylor's eyes. Clyde absolutely can't believe that she stood there for multiple minutes, her eyes tracing over every single one of Taylor's features.

Taylor is just so beautiful, and she looks beautiful in a way that can literally make Clyde's body malfunction. Clyde almost feels quite bad for being allowed to perceive someone so beautifully sculpted, but Clyde has always been a big fan of admiring art.

"Are you sure you don't want one? I'm paying, anyway," Clyde finally speaks.

"I'll be fine without a milkshake, CJ," Taylor chuckles.

"Alright. But don't get jealous when you see my milkshake. It's for me only."

It's the routine they have fallen into for the past few days. Taylor will walk with Clyde and stay at her house for a couple of hours before finally heading home. Sometimes, they will even make a stop at Clyde's favorite diner so Clyde can buy herself a milkshake.

Another moment passes and Clyde is, at last, handed her milkshake. She excitedly heads out of the diner while taking a long sip, with Taylor right behind her. They walk a couple of steps away before Taylor takes Clyde's hand, another thing they have gotten used to.

Clyde isn't exactly sure if the shiver that goes down her spine is from the coldness of the milkshake or from Taylor's hand holding hers. All that Clyde knows is the familiar warmth that gradually spreads through her entire body, causing her stomach to flutter.

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