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After willingly staying up to talk to Taylor until ungodly hours of the night, Clyde was still peacefully sleeping in her bed. It was a wonder how she wasn't even dreaming of Taylor, because Taylor was the very last thought in her mind before she had fallen asleep.

Clyde and Taylor had stayed on their call for actual hours, talking like they literally didn't just see each other the day before. Clyde had carefully told Taylor about her best friends explaining everything to her, and she unblocked Taylor while they were speaking.

Honestly, Clyde knew it was a stupid idea to stay up. She had work the next day, yet her dumb self still chose to speak to Taylor. The version of herself last night didn't think that she would even regret it once she woke up, and she might actually be correct.

So, when Clyde woke up from hearing loud knocks at her door, she shot up from her bed and clumsily stepped outside her bedroom without even putting her glasses on. She was barely even aware of her surroundings as she pulled the door open, irritated.


Her eyes found the familiar figure of Kate standing outside, which simply made her more annoyed. She rolled her eyes and angrily rested a hand on her hip, trying to wake herself up enough to actually think of a sentence that sounded properly coherent.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"No," Clyde grumbled.

"Did you just wake up?" Kate questioned.

"Slept in half the day, I guess."

Clyde ended her sentence with a sleepy shrug, still unable to completely open her eyes. She could completely see the look on Kate's face, though, and Kate was most definitely not amused by her very late awakening. Still, Clyde wasn't all that worried.

She didn't even truly know what time it was; she only based her response off the color of the sky. It seemed like she did wake up later than she normally would, but she still wasn't late for work, which meant that there was literally no reason for Kate to come over.

Kate immediately asked, "What time did you sleep?"

"I don't know, Kate."

"What were you doing?"

"Talking to someone." And Clyde rolled her eyes.

The way Kate's eyebrow arched could honestly bring enough anger into Clyde's body to last an entire month. But Clyde continued to act calm, taking steadying breaths through her nose and holding them for a second, gently exhaling through her mouth.

Clyde stepped aside and allowed Kate to walk inside. She shut the door as Kate sat down on the couch, and she went to the kitchen for a cold glass of water. Her body desperately needed it, especially after burning anger rushed through her entire system.

Her hand shook as she briefly gripped the glass and lifted it up to her lips, taking lengthy gulps. She forced her eyes closed, allowing the coldness of her drink to wake her up from interrupted sleep, before placing the glass onto the counter and sighing.

After that, Clyde didn't even speak to Kate before heading to her bedroom and grabbing her glasses. She put them on while whispering faint curses under her breath, still slightly annoyed at Kate for knocking so damned loud that she almost started panicking.

Did some of that annoyance simply stem from the fact that Clyde had decided to stay up last night? Clyde would honestly say no; she was angered because of Kate's actions. She knew that her friends were probably just concerned, but they needed to calm down.

Clyde walked out of her room and sat down, beside Kate. She was definitely more awake now, but she was unsure if she even had the required mental capacity to deal with Kate's dumb questions. She probably didn't, but she had no one to complain to.

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