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Everyone looked at him...

Miya stood up and held his arm making him come back to reality..

Taehyung looked at her...

For her he broke up with yn with whom he was going to start a family soon...

Well, there were many individuals presented there and some were important. So, not creating any scene taehyung thought of doing this engagement for the present..

Then, he will break this engagement after he will get his yn and their son back..

Miya: everything ok taetae ??

Tae shook his head..

Tae: just i was thanking everyone for coming here and please enjoy yourself...

Jin: ahh this dumb come on sit now and complete your engagement..

Tae nodded slowly while seating again and resumed his engagement with Miya...

Yn yawned while putting her head on jk's shoulder...

Jk looked at his pretty fiance who got bored of this function then at the cute best sleeping while hugging him..

Jungkook chuckled, he loved both of them truly and he thought of himself being lucky to be surrounded by a sweet family which included them...

Jk slowly pulled yn closed to him while planting kiss on her forehead...

Jk: tired my love??

Yn nodded with a small pout visible on her face...

Jk: aww let's go see our baby bear has already slept...

Yn hummed while hugging his arms and leaning on his shoulder...

Yn: i think rowoon loved you more than me now...

Jk: and why you think that my love ??

Yn: look at him , he don't even want to get separated from you and also wants me to eotj you both. He truly has accepted you his father jungkook...

Jk: what you mean by accepted huh, I'm his father understand mah lady. You both are mine, besides are you jealous that he gets my more attention than you huh...

Jk said with a teasing smile on his face...

Yn snug and hugs his arm more..

Yn: no I'm happy that finally he is getting father's love and a family's affection which he deserves...

Jk: you both deserve the best and trust me I'm the best for you both...

Yn: i know that's why i wonder why i never met you before taehyung, if we met before i bet we would have had a best love story...

Jk: we still have that love and trust me somewhere i think, it's good because of this all only we have a loving son like rowoon in our life...

Yn: you are right, he is like a ray of happiness and happiness only in our both's life....

Jk: hm love i think he feels lonely also so why don't we add a member in our family...

Yn hit his shoulder...

Yn: pabo we will do that only after our marriage...

Jk: tsk dirty minded girl i was talking about a pet, why don't we get a pet with whom he can enjoy..

Yn pout and looked at him with angry pout...

Yn: why don't you told me that before huh..

Jk: it's good atleast i got to know that you also want to be with me. Don't worry my love, we will do that only after marriage. I'll make it sure that you will only remember my dick and the way you scream my name beneath me. You will forgot what he made you feel because I'll give u pleasure which you had never felt before....

He said seductively with a smrik on his face...

Yn hit his arm repeatedly for two to three times while blushing...

Yn: you are mad..

Jk: in your love..

Yn snug her face in his arm..

Jk giggled...

They were happy with each other but someone was looking at them with sadness in his eyes...

Jk: you looks tired let's go, we also have school tomorrow...

Yn: you are right, but you said you joined school because of me what about your business??

Jk: after 3 months we are getting married, afterwards we will shift to Seoul. Then you can join into a school or university there, I'll join my company. Don't worry about grandmother she will live with us, I'll make her ready for that...

Yn: then good...

Jk: hm till then I'll be with you in school because i don't like that enuwoo being close to you..

Yn: he is just a friend..

Jk: still...

Yn sign at his possesiveness but she loved his this side to...

Jk; lets go driver will drive and we can rest at back...

Yn: hmm...

After saying goodbye to them, taehyung wanted to have a talk with yn but holded himself. Jk and yn sign rowoon left from there..

After engagement, Miya and her family left already..

Taehyung was alone standing looking at the moon from balcony, he saw someone stood beside him. It was his brother kim seokjin..

Tae: hyung..

Jin: i know something is bothering you i know you more than you know yourself. Now tell me is it about yn ??

Tae: yes hyung vo rowoon..

Jin: he is your child...

Tae: you know it...

Jin: our whole family knows it except you because yn said this she doesn't want this thing you know..

Tae: whyy if she had said this i would have accepted her for the sake of our child then I'm sure i would have fell in love with her again...

Jin: of course yn know it, she said she doesn't want to live with a men about whom she knows who lost his feelings for her and will accept her only for the sake of their child. She have her own self respect taehyung and i agree with her. Now, we can't change anything finally yn and jungkook are together. Jk is taking good care of them and I'm sure that he will keep them happy. So, i suggest you that you also have a happy family with the person for whom you left an angel like her who was having your child inside her womb. But, we never blamed you because it's written in destiny. At last, it was jungkook the men who is written for yn i hold you will move on and don't try to snatch things from past...

Jin said and left from there..

Tae holds his hand tightly and punch it on the wall..

Tae: no way he is my own biological son and she was my girlfriend. I'll bring them back in my life, I'll start over our broken bond just wait. He was mine since the start and no one can snatch them from me. Jk come in between he can't replace her feelings for me in her heart. I'll bring them in my life..

He left to his room with red eyes...

??: See Jin hyung that's why i didn't wanted him to know about them. See we don't know what he will do now...

Jin: don't worry naamjon they are of jungkook now, i know he will protect them and we will not let taehyung do anything which is foolish...

Rm Nodded and they both left from there...


The next episode will be uploaded soon take care of yourself and don't forget to comment and vote down 🌹

Word count: 1202..

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