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Time skips the next day,

As usual, everyday had the breakfast together now, they were seating in the living room..

Yn: the reason we all are gathered here??

Jimin: we are here to make a plan against the black panther, as you want to destroy them. We agreed that we will help you both, so now we need a full proof plan so that we will defeat them...

Yn: hm you are right..

Rm: i think first of all we should discuss the reason why we all want to destroy them because when we will handle them to police they will surely ask us that why we made them arrested and destroyed them..

Jimin: you are right and i think for all of us boys, the reason is same as they are our rivals. Besides, they produce drugs and run the business of human trafficking that's not a thing which we want to happen to our public...

Jin: hnm so our reason is clear..

Jimin looked at his sister...

Jimin: yn i want to know, why you joined the mafia and now you are behind black panther?? Any specific reason behind this sweetheart??

Jk looked at yn sho had mixed expression on her face...

Yn: I'll tell, 3 years ago when i joined college i met a girl named Hari there. She was sweet and my best friend with kuru. We three used to enjoy with each other very much , Hari was from a middle class family that's why she used to do part job after college. Then suddenly, one day she disappeared we didn't found her anywhere. After one week we submitted the missing report and started finding her on our own. After 15 days, police found a dead body which was if Hari. From forensic reports, we got to know that she was raped and on her many chemical injection were tested , which led to loose of her internal organs at last she died. For making it looks like that she unknowingly fell into boiling oil, they burned her body then throw it in the oil. From the dna, it was resulted that before chemicals test she was raped any more than 50 men's in one week only..

Silence fell in the living room, while the yn was controlling her emotions not loose and kuru was crying already....

Yn: police know it that it was work of black panther but they didn't took any action and closed the case. When her parents got to know about it, they jumped from the rooftop in front of us because they couldn't bear what happened to their only daughter. Since, then we made our mind that we will destroy the black panther. Just like they Hari and her family, like this they destroy thousands of life's everyone. Which i surely not forgive, that's why me and kuru joined mafia. Being part of mafia brought us many advantages, we got to know about the 68 men's name who raped her and we killed all of them. The last one we killed yesterday at night. Now our main moto is to destroy the whole black panther and bring their true colour infront of world. So, that we can save life's which they are destroying and are planning to destroy....

At this point , tears made their way from her eyes ..

Jimin hugged his sister...

Jimin: I'm proud of you my baby, you are very strong we are here to support you and i promise we will not leave that black panther for what they have done..

Yn nodded while hugging her brother and crying in his arms...

Jk closed his eyes, he was proud of her choices. He knew that yn was built with a rage blood and she knows how to fight for her and others right. This made him fell in love with her more and respect for her in his heart raised. ..

Even though, she don't remember anything about him but he is still proud of his choice that his girl is very strong and always fight for her and others right....

Rowoon: appa...

Rowoon came from the garden after playing, as they all were discussing about the plan they made rowoon play in the garden..

Yn wisped her tears and set herself....

Rowoon: beautiful what happened to you...

He said and put his head on her laps...

Yn immediately smiled and take him in arms...

Yn: nothing happened my cutie pie, there was a dust in my eyes nothing else ..

Rowoon: wait...

He sat on her laps and slowly blow air into her eyes...

Yn smiled...

Rowoon: is it ok now ??

Yn: yes yes you little cutie....

She said and started to tickling him...

Rowoon laughed....

With this, atmosphere in living room turned to soft...

Jimin gestured himself to his girl and looked at her...

Jimin: still angry ??

She looked away...

Jimin: okie I'll directly ask about marriage with your parents...

Suga: what you mean??

Jimin: what means what ?? I'm going to get married soon...

Suga: shut up and keep your flirty ass away from her....

Jimin: you shut up...

Jk's phone rang with a notification....

He looked at his phone and smile formed on his face...

Tae noticed his behaviour and lean to his ear for asking....

Tae: what happened???

Jk: nothing just i got the key from which i would know what happened three years ago ...

He whispered...

Tae looked at him in curiosity...

Tae: how???

Jk: i need to go somewhere for that and when I'll return I'll tell you...

Tae: huh???

Jk: okk??

Tae: okiee....

Jk stand up....

Jk: i need to go somewhere and rowoon has to join me ..

Rowoon: appa...

Jk: don't worry we will come back soon then you can play with her ...

Rowoon: ok so beautiful I'll play with you after i come back...

Yn: ok baby....

Rowoon: let's go appa...

Jk nodded and they both left from there...

Everyone become busy with their work, while jk drive to somewhere...

Rowoon: where are we going appa??

Jk: to  grandmother...


The next episode will be uploaded soon, take care of yourself and don't forget to comment and vote down 🌹

Word count: 1030..

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