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Jk: yn??

Yn: what happened, why are you going to punch him without any reason??

Jk: any reason, can't you see rowoon crying?? He was with him , I'm sure he must have said something to him. Because i know, rowoon is a strong boy and he never cries without any reason...

Yn looked at crying rowoon, her heart clenched...

Yn: baby did this uncle say anything to you??

Rowoon looked at taeyceon who was glaring at him to say no...

Jk: my boy no one is gonna even touch you , just tell me what he said..

Rowoon knew his father would believe him and would support him..

Rowoon: appa he said he will kill you if I'll go close to beautiful miss. He said she is only of his and he will kill me also if I'll go close to her. Dadda i can't stay away from my mom, he is a bad man beat him dadda. See my arm, he did this too...

Everyone's blood boiled there...

Jk: fuckkk mission and trapping, how he even dare about to mentioning this to my child...

Taeyceon: i didn't say anything..

Jk: who's gonna believe you??

Yn: me...

Everyone was shocked and they looked at her...

Yn holds his hand...

Yn: i believe him, rowoon is lieing..

Rowoon looked at his mother, who was believing him. He hugs jk tightly and starts crying hard...

Jk rubs his back and his blood boils seeing yn. She doesn't remember anything, she knows he is a bad person still she was supporting him..

Yn: i believe you...

Taeyceon smiled and pulled her close to him...

Jimin: yn he is leader of black panther and y-

Yn gave him a sharp glance telling him to get quiet...

Yn: who black panther, which black panther...

Taeyceon: babe they are lying trust me I'm innocent...

Yn: i trust you...

Jimin: get lost from here...

Taeyceon looked at yn...

Taeyceon: will you come with me??

Yn nodded and hugs him more tightly..

Yn: i belive you, i know they are lying and trying to seperate both of us..

Taeyceon easily got trapped in her beauty and he believed her...

Taeyceon: let's go just you and me no one else...

Yn nodded...

Taeyceon took to his car..

Yn gives a sign of thumbnail while brushing her hairs..

She left with him..

Jk: what's wrong with her??

Jimin: she will kill him what else...

Jk: but how??

Jimin: beauty trap, what we have to do is just wait for her down the building of hotel in which they are going..

Tae: are you sure , she will be able to do that alone..

Kuru: who you think yn?? She is the granddaughter of famous fighter park jaesung. She is more good at fighting, judo and karate than jimin. She has finished so many underground missions without getting failed in one . You should be worried about taeyceon, that how will he escape her beauty trap or yn will kill him like in her favourite way...

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