Chapter 3

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09:30 am

I woke today feeling alittle emotionless because of what happened last night. I hate when I put myself back in that hole even though I bearly made it out of it and I didn't do it alone and now it's trying to bring me back again...just this time I'm stronger...I won't let it pull me down...I won't let it...

Well I can't sit and lounge around all day with these I should go to the skate park and chill there.

I walked into my bathroom did my routine the grabbed a black torn jeans with black and white sneakers, a white sports bra with a black zip hoodie.

Time skip: 1 hour later

I rode to the park were I chilled with some of the kids there and one of my friends Max. He's a jaguar.

"So shir how you been holdin up since then ?" He asked.

"Pretty actually I'm finally ok and I'm moving on from it ya' know."

"That's good I was worried about you cause it's been so long since we last saw you smile, and I kinda missed seeing that goofy smile of yours..."

" And I'm sorry about that I didn't mean to make any of you worry about me..."

"Its fine. We just missed you and just wanted you to know that you didnt have to fight this by yourself , we are here to fight along side you ok...we are all here for you."

He pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. Its good not seeing him all sad anymore I missed I'm  friend.

"Enough of the sad stuff why don't I wipe the floor with by showing you my latest skate trick."

"We'll see about that!"

We bad oir way to the half pipe and I went first as I made my way down and orange flyer blew into may face making me crash.

"Bahahahaha!! Is that what's going to beat my twister! Yeah right hahaha!"he laughed.

"Very funny, and fyi I was hit by this"

The flyer was an ad for a singing competition at the Moon theater and the winner won a grand prize of $100 000

What that's alot of money! Wonder if Meena would want to try auditioning tomorrow, its her dream to be a singer and this will be a perfect opportunity for her to get over her stage fright.

As I looked up more of these flyers were everywhere.

"Man that Bustermoon sure knows how to get the word out. Maybe this one might be a success." He said.

"Hay Max I'm going to to Meena's house we're gonna have to finish this later, ok?"

"Hay no problem besides I might as well go with you to her house cause from the look in your eyes I can tell you are cooking up something. "He smiled.

I roll my eyes at him. " Yeah this competition is her chance to finally do what she loves and get over her stage fright." I say excitedly.

He nodded. And made our way to her house.

Time skip

We knocked pn her door and her grand ma opened. "Hello mam is Meena home?"

She nodded and allowed us in. We thanked her and as we walked in we saw her mom holding up the same poster we had.

"Come on honey this is your chance to make your dream come true."

"I don't know mom...with my stage fright I'm not even make it through auditions...I should just forget about it."she sighed.

"No way am I letting you just give up before you even start, come on your mom is right, this is your chance and you have to take it." I said.

"Yeah man we know how much you love to sing it's your whole world and this is just a sign for you to take it." Max said.

I could see that she felt pressured by us and she was about to agree only to make us happy and that's not what we wanted.

"Hay Meena you don't have to agree because of us, do it for you, we are just hoping that you think about it ok?"

She nodded and we all gave her a hug.

"Well since I'm here why don't we get down to some good old fashioned mischief..." he smirked.

We both shook our heads and laughed as we made our way outside.

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