Chapter 8

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☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Johnny's pov ☆☆☆☆☆☆

I raced into the theater and I saw that Mike just finished his run through and Mr. Moon calls for Rosita and Gunther.

"Rosita please can I cut infront of you."I begged. "Sure Johnny go head-" but Gunther was already at the stage.

"I'm sorry Johnny I have no control over this."she says as she walks on stage,it doesn't go well.

Finally now I can go on.

I walk on stage with the piano but I was in such a rush to get back before dad gets caught that I messed up the whole run through that I didn't even let him stop talking before I ran out of the theater back to the heist but got caught in traffic.

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Shira's pov☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Well that happened I wonder were he ran of to I hope he's fine.

Time skip : 30 minutes later

"Finally finished!" I shouted as we walked out the theater.

"Yeah but it wasn't good,hope we can make a good impression infront of Mrs. Noodleman, ya'know?"she said as she twiddled her hands.

"Hay its gonna fine, everyone just has to find that spark in them and bam!"while flexing my hands in an explosive gesture. "Then she will be blown away by y'alls talents ok."

She just smiled and nodded as we split and went our separate ways until tomorrow.

I walked into the house and placed my board near the door for tomorrow, when I heard laughter from the kitchen.

"Hay dad I'm home."as I walked into the kitchen to see Eric.

"Hay shire! How are you!"he said. I laughed and walked towards him to give him a hug."I thought you weren't supposed to be back until next week."

He laughed hugging me back."I know but I finished earlier then I expected so I thought I'd surprise my princess."

I smirked while looking at him."I'm not so sure about," he turned and looked at dad who was placing items into the fridge."Ok princess, enough jokes."We laughed.

"Well you two dinner will be ready in a few why don't guys catch up." As he turned back to his pots.

We both nodded and made our way to the living room.

"Ok princess why don't we take a walk like we always do, while papa finishes up dinner."he says.

I smile and go to my room to freshen up quickly and change into black shorts, black stockings with gray fured sandles and a back and gray over-sized hoodie.

As I make my way tothe door were he's waiting for me, wesay bye to dad and head to the near by park.

As we are walking I finally decide to ask something that has been bothering me." So when are going to tell him how you feel?"

He's quiet for a moment. "I don't know, and before you tell me that's not an answer, I don't even think he sees me like that." He answers with a sad smile.

We keep walking in a comfortable silance. "Ya'know he actually does like you."

He turns shoked looking at me. "How do you know? Did he tell you?"

I laugh at bus eagerness. I shake my head no and his expression drops. "He did not tell me but I have been listening and watching him, and I have never seen him so peaceful and happy as he is with you, when you left  he was devastated but knew you had a job to do but couldn't help but miss you and need you."We stopped under a peach tree as its flowers rain down in the summer breeze.

"Today was for the first time after so long did I truly see him smile, there was a love and and sense of peace and relief in his eyes that he has lost since you left." I turned and faced him. "There is no doubt that he loves you and needs you ."

He looked down at me suprised. "Now its up to you to make him yours finally or let random excuses steal him from you. " I say to him.

He chuckles. " Look at my little princess, growing into a wise queen." While ruffling my hair.

I laughed and playfully smacked his hand away. "Hay I learned from the be-" but then I noticed Johnny sitting by himself under a tree.

I notice the look on his face, somethings not right. I make my way to him,until I felt a hand on my arm. "Hay were are you going its almost time to go back."

I pointed at Johnny. "He's my friend from the Moon theater and he doesn't look ok, I just wanna check on him."

He nodded and let go of my arm. "Ok but I'm going with you until a safe distance ok?" He asked. I nodded.

I make my way to him and lightly tap hus shoulder he looks up startled a bit.

"Oh Shira,  what are you doing here?" He asked alittle suprised.

Pointed a few paces behind me at Eric. "I came on a walk with Eric before dinner, why are you here if I may ask?" As I sat downnext to him.

"I come here alot when I'm sad its the only happy place I know." He says with a sad look.

"Is there a story behind it?"he nodded as I asked.

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Johnny's pov ☆☆☆☆☆☆

I came to the park afyer visiting dad in the prison and he told me I wasn't his son.

I guess needing feel like he never said that I wanted to to a place were he and I were once happy.

As I turned to the beautiful gorilla next me I felt this need to tell her what was wrong and why I felt this way.

As she looked at me intently, I started my story.

"Well when I was jounger my dad and I we just moved here and it was a new place and he and I had trouble adjusting" A sad smile was forming on my face as I recalled the past. "So my dad and I would come to this psrk at the end of every day to spend time together and just be as calm and free as we once was."

She still looked at me with two wondrous eyes that draw me in waiting for me to continue.

For once in my life someone was actually listing to what I have to say.

"But as the years came and past,dad stopped doing the visits with me and soon I too stopped coming, and only came when I needed to br alone or just to get away and be at peace."

She had a soft smile on her face and gave me a hug and I felt free and content in her arms...

This feeling was new but I wanted to always experience it, to always feel like that with her.

"I guess whatever is troubling you has something to do with why you were so rushed today."

I nodded and she smiled. "When you want to talk about I'll be here alright, so do you have plans for the rest of the night?"she asked with a smile.

I shook my head no. "Why?"

She turned to the white lion Eric as she pointed out and I assume asked him something, as she spoke in a diffrent language.

I wonder what language it is ? before I could ask she turned to me and asked if I would like to come over for dinner with them.

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