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Its a beautiful arrange marriage anirudh and bondita's families ties them in a beautiful sacred bond called marriage.......

marriage : the word is too small but it holds a capacity to make people's life heaven as well as hell too.......

so here both got tied into this bond by their families.........

anirudh's age was 25 and bondita's age was 18.......

anirudh was happy with this alliance he liked bondita in first meeting we can say he loved her in first sight only.......

but bondita she was not happy at all.......her family never loved her except for her mother but she also can't say anything due to her family........even her father didn't loved her.......he always says that she is only a unwanted burden on him........with the great difficulties she convinced her father for her schooling atleast....... and he agreed only in condition that whenever and wherever he will say she will get married.......she agreed.......the day she completed her last exam of last year of schooling she was informed that her marriage is fixed........she cried because she wanted to tell them that she loves somebody.......yes,when she joined school she made a bestfriend named akash........she never told her family about him except his mother because she know that nobody will accept their friendship......her mother already warned her to stay in limits by only friendship but her innocent heart fall in love with him.........slowly their friendship blossomed into love and they proposed each other.......bondita was very happy that she got her love.......she decided to tell her mother so she can convince her father.......but ground got snatched under her feet when her father informed her about his marriage........she told his mother about akash.......she got hell angry on her and slapped her hard......

she was hell shocked......first time in her life her mother raised hand on her........she told her to forget akash........when she asked reason she told her that her father will never agree for love marriage moreover akash was mere a farmer's son.........she was completely shattered that her last hope her mother also refused.......

Anirudh and his family came to see her........her father already threatened her not to do any mistake........she wanted to tell anirudh but was scared.......they were send to talk alone too but she didn't spoke much.......anirudh asked her wish.......she was surprised that there is someone who asked her wish she was about to say the truth but she recalled her mother's swear.......

there families finalised their marriage.........she was just doing everything like a rock with no emotions at all.......

Anirudh met her few times before marriage there also she didn't talked much except for nodding......anirudh got suspiciuous but shrugged it off assuming it to be her shyness........

days passed and their wedding was done grandly in das haweli.......

usually a girl cries when she leaves her home but here bondita didn't cried a single drop......she faked some tears when her mother nudged her........

she left for her new home.......

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